Crash-Site Logistics Center

A logistics center was recovered from the crashed space ship. It could be modified to help you build your base.

1 year, 7 months ago

b [FIXED] Bug in show_flying_text

1 year, 9 months ago
(updated 1 year, 9 months ago)

Hi! I found a bug again. When placing Logistics Center or chests from this mod in the spaces of other mods (SubTerra-v2, MobileFactory, it gives this error. In the description of the mod, it was said that a similar error was fixed, but it remained

Мод Crash-Site Logistics Center (2.4.1) вызвал неустранимую ошибку.
Пожалуйста, сообщите об этой ошибке автору мода.

Error while running event Kux-LogisticsCenterCS::on_built_entity (ID 6)
Kux-LogisticsCenterCS/logistics_center/Chests.lua:34: attempt to index field 'eei' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
Kux-LogisticsCenterCS/logistics_center/Chests.lua:34: in function 'show_flying_text'
Kux-LogisticsCenterCS/logistics_center/Chests.lua:66: in function 'add_cc'
Kux-LogisticsCenterCS/event_handler/on_built.lua:54: in function <Kux-LogisticsCenterCS/event_handler/on_built.lua:40>

I can test this mod more actively and report any bugs and things that, in my opinion, should not work like that, if you want. I just think it's worth choosing another communication channel so as not to arrange a dump in discussions. What do you think? The mod is very good and I really like it, I want to help you, but I don't know programming, but I worked as a tester

I also made a translation of your mod today

1 year, 9 months ago
(updated 1 year, 9 months ago)

The intention of this mod is to work on Nauvis and allows only 1 Logistics Center. item transportation is only to and from chest of the same surface. this is the main difference to original mod. And only this scenario is testet by me, so inter-surface-transmission is not intended
The error you have seems occur if you build a chest w/o a Logistcs Center on the chests surface, is it?
I will take this case into account so that no more crashes occur.
PS. Mods like Factorissimo are creating their own surfaces. and even if you build the subfactory on Nauvis it is in different surface.

New response