King's Nuclear Bots

by Kingdud

Nuclear powered robots that don't need to recharge. Forked from Buggi's Nuclear Bots and changed to have a more balanced formula, not have 3x the speed of normal bots, fire immunity, and some acid resistance for construction bots. Finally a use for all that Uranium that piles up! The recipie was scaled to require as much energy as a normal bot would use in 21 years - about the same time that a nuclear submarine reactor core lasts.

4 years ago
0.17 - 1.1
Logistic network


Version: 1.110.0
Date: 1/19/2021
    - Version bump for 1.1
Version: 1.100.2
Date: 9/16/2020
    - Added a setting (default: off) to give the logi bots 200 cargo size instead of 100.
Version: 1.100.1
Date: 8/29/2020
    - Add a high-cargo version of the bots, to be used in places where (for example) picking up 100 repair packs per bot isn't a problem. IE: Deconstruction fleets / personal construction bots. Basically just a changeover from normal bots, since I originally did have massive cargo holds on construction bots, but got rid of it to make them behave better at base repair.
Version: 1.100.0
Date: 8/29/2020
    - info.json bump to support 1.0
Version: 1.18.0
Date: 2/9/2020
    - info.json bump to support .18
Version: 0.0.3
Date: 1/29/2020
    - Added setting to allow for larger stacks of uranium fuel cells; makes bulk movement easier.
    - Changed construction robot size back to 1 and reduced the uranium fuel cell cost of building one from 1500 to 250. Reason being that a large inventory for construction bots is harmful when using bots to repair exterior defenses. Also, construction bots rarely have 100% uptime, so their fuel need should be far lower.
Version: 0.0.2
    - Increased logistics bot capacity from 15 to 100 items. Reason being, each bot now costs ~1000x as much material to produce as a normal logistics bot. True, they don't need power, but that much material investment warrants something better than a bot that can only move ~2x as much as a normal bot.
Version: 0.0.1
    - Initial Release