Excess items in the character inventory get moved to the logistics trash, to keep inventory slots free. Tidy, clean and simple. No more clicking away those annoying small stacks of items that turn up and jam up the inventory!
Providing the player with new tools or adjusting the game interface, without fundamentally changing gameplay.
Version: 0.2.1 Date: 2024-11-09 Changes: - All non-"normal" quality items are left alone and never trimmed
Version: 0.2.0 Date: 2024-10-31 Changes: - Re-released with updates for Factorio 2.0 compatability
Version: 0.1.4 Date: 2024-03-01 Changes: - Improved docs and code-style
Version: 0.1.3 Date: 2024-01-05 Bugfixes: - Fix NPE on researched tech
Version: 0.1.2 Date: 2024-01-03 Bugfixes: - Ensure scanner restarts properly after game load
Version: 0.1.1 Date: 2023-12-26 Major Features: - Inventory trimming works as planned - Inventory capacity threshold settings - Player force handling - Technology tree item (with startup setting) - Scan-rate setting
Version: 0.1.0 Date: 2023-12-10 Major Features: - Basic inventory trimming works Todo: - Additional settings need implementing for more aggressive trims - Tech tree item required
Version: 0.0.1 Date: 2023-12-07 Todo: - Everything, at the moment.