Inventory Trim

by SusanW

Excess items in the character inventory get moved to the logistics trash, to keep inventory slots free. Tidy, clean and simple. No more clicking away those annoying small stacks of items that turn up and jam up the inventory!

4 months ago
1.1 - 2.0
Logistic network Storage
1 year, 2 months ago
Latest Version:
0.2.1 (4 months ago)
Factorio version:
1.1 - 2.0
Downloaded by:
589 users

Inventory Trim

You know when your main inventory is jammed with slots containing small numbers of surplus items? You've picked up few pieces of belt and a chest, and now you've got slots containing 2 extra Inserters, 6 pieces of damaged Wall, 9 spare pieces of Iron Plate and ... well, junk.

This mod enables inventory trimming: your main inventory is scanned periodically to see if there are slots that are being used inefficiently, and throws their contents into the logistics trash. Hurrah, no more clicky-clicky to get rid of the clutter!

Updated for Factorio 2.0


  • Trims away items in small stacks that are taking up slots.
  • Identifies less useful items to trim first (eg damaged items).
  • Keeps at least 10 slots free (configurable) by trimming more assertively, and tries HARD to keep 2 slots free (also configurable).
  • Won't remove your last stack of any item, unless you tell it to.


I keep finding, from around mid-game, that my inventory is always sort of full, and that many slots are occupied with just a few items. I can set logistics maximums to get rid of things, but they feel like a heavy-handed solution. I don't mind having 50 Inserters (1 stack) or 100 (2 stacks) but I do mind having 53 - also 2 stacks - and then finding I'm out of space. This mod aims to fix that, whilst being more sensitive to the overall state of the inventory: if it's very full, it tolerates less excess.

Trimming is only meaningful in a world where you have logistics and auto-trash, so it is assumed that you are at a point in the game where carrying small items of stuff isn't so critical. Much of your inventory content is likely to be under automated configuration anyway. The aim of trimming should be to deal with the annoyance of never having much space and continually having to prune the junk.

See the gallery images above for a "before" and "after" view.