
Speed across land and water in your own personal hovercraft. 2 versions, plus 2 more with the mod 'Laser Tanks'.

4 months ago
0.16 - 2.0
Transportation Combat

b Laser hovercraft incompatibility with other mods

1 year, 10 months ago

I'm getting this: Error While loading entity prototype "Lasertank (car): Animation and Light animation must have the same frame count: 1 !=2
Modifications: Laser Tanks > Aliens Biomes > Hovercrafts

Laser Tank, which is a dependency for this mod, also conflicts with other mods if I enable them.
Everything else works if I disable Laser Tank but then I lose some of the functionality of the hovercraft mod.
I have briefly looked at the code but unfortunately I am not knowledgeable enough to fix it myself.
Any help would be appreciated.

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