
by kumpu

Adds a fully animated attack helicopter to the game. Ideal for getting from A to B quickly, exploring the map, building islands and nuking biters from the sky. Now 84% less buggier!

5 years ago
0.15 - 0.17

i Change Title from Helicopters to Helicopter

7 years ago

Just a thought since it IS just one (1) Helicopter and it often causes user to ponder where the rest are.

I love the mod as I posted before.

Have you though about some color control variation?

I also wish that it had the option of going higher (the illusion, ofc, that the shadow and the craft have more distance betwixt them).

There IS a way to make the craft non-affected by belts. Let me know if you care for those details.

Thanks again for the great mod. My car, shuttle-train are collecting dust...lol.

7 years ago

I have thought about this and there are two reasons why the name is justified - citation from the forum post:
"You might wonder why it's called "Helicopters", when it only adds one model of heli to the game. Well, guess what, you can build multiple ones. There you go, helicopterS :)
It also allows me to add more models if I decide to, without having to change the name."
But more importantly, as far as I am aware, I can't simply change the name without breaking updates. The name acts like an ID to the mod. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Didn't think about color variations... Not sure if the car entity even supports that. Will have to investigate.

Increasing the height is fairly easy, there is just no control for it yet. But I'll include it in the next update.

And yes, I do care!

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

I think just offering some color variants would be awesome: All Black, I'd like to see for one.

Never assumed for a moment that you did not care in general, I was referring to whether or not you wanted more details to stop the copter being affected by belts.

7 years ago

It's a good idea and I will see what I can do. Just read that the car changes color to the player's color in MP, so it seems the entity supports it in general. Not sure how easy it is to give you a nice color gui tho, like the trains have. It's on my todo list.
And yes, I do want those details! ;)

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

Bordo is probably hinting at the code used by various other mods ( https://mods.factorio.com/?q=belt+immunity )... he was probably suggesting you go steal their code lol.

7 years ago

Kind of a shame... that mod does not have any code, it just enables the equipment.

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

As far as i know there is no way to stop anything from being affected by belts. The common solutions are either disabling the belt below the entity temporarily (which causes more problems) or counteracting the belt movement with scripts. Given that you're already doing heavy scripting to keep all the "cars" together adding a positional find for belts and accordingly adjusting the vehicle movement might actually be viable (tho at that point it might be a better idea to have a seperate generic-mod that works for all vehicles...).

7 years ago

I probably could do it. Is it worth the effort? Idk man.
Btw, OP related, more helis are coming, thanks to @zumf who offered to create 3 new models from scratch!

New response