Fluidic Power

Overhauls the power network to use the game's built-in fluid system in an attempt to make electricity more realistic. Adds working transformers for high power transmission, and creates various new and interesting power distribution challenges. Similar to the mods Flow Network and High Voltage, but significantly different by being the first mod that uses no on-tick power calculations. This means the UPS impact should be minimal for non-gigantic bases.

9 months ago

g [Fixed] Making the Power Switch hidden makes it unable to be requested

1 year, 2 months ago


The comment above making the item hidden says to disable the entity. Why are you touching the item there then?

-- Disable vanilla entity
data.raw["recipe"]["power-switch"].enabled = false
data.raw["recipe"]["power-switch"].hidden = false
data.raw["item"]["power-switch"].flags = {"hidden"}

1 year, 2 months ago

Should be fixed in the latest release. Thanks for the report JamesFire!

New response