Fluidic Power

Overhauls the power network to use the game's built-in fluid system in an attempt to make electricity more realistic. Adds working transformers for high power transmission, and creates various new and interesting power distribution challenges. Similar to the mods Flow Network and High Voltage, but significantly different by being the first mod that uses no on-tick power calculations. This means the UPS impact should be minimal for non-gigantic bases.

9 months ago

g [Fixed] Big poles on water

2 years ago

I would like to use Cargo Ships and of course their big pole will not work. I have hidden the recipe, easy enough. However, I am currently unable to figure out how to make your big pole placeable on water. I tried changing the collision_mask to be simply {'object-layer'} and it appears to be set correctly when I check data.raw in data-final-fixes.lua. However, in game, the poles can not be place on water. I then tried to set the mask to {'ground_tile'} but the poles could still be placed on land, so I am not doing something correctly. Any guidance as to how I might do it?

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

Below you can see the "before and after" for both the big-electric-pole and the fluidic-big-electric-pole-electric:

2.410 Script @Xmod/data-final-fixes.lua:17: before
2.410 Script @Xmod/data-final-fixes.lua:19: item-layer
2.410 Script @Xmod/data-final-fixes.lua:19: object-layer
2.410 Script @Xmod/data-final-fixes.lua:19: player-layer
2.410 Script @Xmod/data-final-fixes.lua:19: water-tile
2.410 Script @Xmod/data-final-fixes.lua:19: layer-16

2.410 Script @Xmod/data-final-fixes.lua:22: after
2.410 Script @Xmod/data-final-fixes.lua:24: object-layer

2.410 Script @Xmod/data-final-fixes.lua:17: before
2.410 Script @Xmod/data-final-fixes.lua:19: item-layer
2.410 Script @Xmod/data-final-fixes.lua:19: object-layer
2.410 Script @Xmod/data-final-fixes.lua:19: player-layer
2.410 Script @Xmod/data-final-fixes.lua:19: water-tile
2.410 Script @Xmod/data-final-fixes.lua:19: layer-16

2.410 Script @Xmod/data-final-fixes.lua:22: after
2.410 Script @Xmod/data-final-fixes.lua:24: object-layer

2 years ago

Hello! It's likely because when your holding the entity in your cursor to place the pole, it's not the fluidic-big-electric-pole-electric, but rather a different entity called fluidic-big-electric-pole-electric-place. I swop them out as soon as you place it down. You would have to change both entities` collision masks to make them placable on water.

However, I consider this a bug in my mod, because it should automatically use the collision masks of the pole it's generated from, but it doesn't seem to do that. I think it did in the past, but it got left behind after a big refactor. I will try to fix it sometime this week.

Thanks for the report :)

2 years ago

Ah, then that would explain it. I could have sworn this was working previously, by using the beautiful bridge mod, which has a setting to make the big pole placeable on water.

2 years ago

Okay fixed so that the generated poles have the correct mask. All verified compatibility with Water Poles, and added support for the Floating Electric Pole from Cargo Ships, because I saw you're using X-Mod :)

Please let me know if you find any other issues.

And thanks again for reporting! It's really great if someone actually provides bug reports for things that seem wrong.

2 years ago

Also seems to work with Beautiful Bridge Railway.

2 years ago

Awesome, thank you! The changes are working for me, both with and without the beautiful bridge mod. And for Xmod, afraid I am not all that creative, just what I hack around with.

2 years ago

I wanted to come back and thank you again, this time for your very nice code base. It was very easy to extend it to support my personal "fish poles"... yup, power poles that look like the fish in the water. I needed something because I wanted to modify the wind turbines mod to be offshore instead, so I needed water-tile compatible source poles, I decided on camouflage. Works out quite nicely, if I may say so myself.

2 years ago

It's a pleasure, I'm glad you're enjoying it! And thanks, I'm trying to slowly get this codebase maintainable. If you had tried this 1 year ago it would not have this pleasant, the code started as absolute spaghetti XD

New response