Fluidic Power

Overhauls the power network to use the game's built-in fluid system in an attempt to make electricity more realistic. Adds working transformers for high power transmission, and creates various new and interesting power distribution challenges. Similar to the mods Flow Network and High Voltage, but significantly different by being the first mod that uses no on-tick power calculations. This means the UPS impact should be minimal for non-gigantic bases.

9 months ago

i collecting pole

3 years ago

I am not using your mod, but defenitely want to include it in the next game, as i feel the Energy distribution is just underused in this game.

I would suggest to add a box like Powermeter to the pole, lets call it control-box, that would be more obvious i think that this is a specialized pole

3 years ago

Hello! I'm glad you're considering playing with this mod!

What do you mean adding a powermeter pole? There's already an energy sensor that you can place next to poles that reads out the power inside the pole. It's the chest-shaped thing on the bottom right in this image. Or are you meaning something different?

3 years ago

as i understand that the collecting poles are just yellow tinted.
albeits its ok, i would add an icon (box, combinator) at base of the pole, so thats mor obvious that this is not a 'normal' pole

I mean no extra entitiy

One maybe could add some flashes or so ?
You did an window for the accumlator so how about adding a box with some flashes ?

3 years ago

Ah, you want me to change the source poles graphics. I'm quite happy with how it looks like at the moment. I don't want to create custom graphics for it, because I'm not a graphics artist.

It's not possible to add the window the the power poles. Only the accumulator and energy sensor can have a window because they are actually storage tanks, which is the only entity with a window like that.

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