Fluidic Power

Overhauls the power network to use the game's built-in fluid system in an attempt to make electricity more realistic. Adds working transformers for high power transmission, and creates various new and interesting power distribution challenges. Similar to the mods Flow Network and High Voltage, but significantly different by being the first mod that uses no on-tick power calculations. This means the UPS impact should be minimal for non-gigantic bases.

9 months ago

b [Fixed] Crash and question

3 years ago

Hello! I really like your mod !
I have two requests.
When a power pole gets damaged by Tiberium (other mod) the game crashes. In the previous version that was not a problem. I am happy to attach the error message if you need that.

In factorissimo the MK2 building needs 50 big power poles but unfortunately does not accept your big ones. Any chance we can get compatibility ? Maybe leave vanilla big power poles and add your own?

Thanks for the cool mod!

3 years ago

Hello! I'm really glad you like it! :)

Yes, please show the error message that you get. I'll see if I can fix it this weekend maybe, a little busy at the moment.

And yessss, I should add some mechanism to make it more compatible. I will fix that too :)

3 years ago

I destroyed the powerpoles near my tiberium field and replaced them but i couldnt get the bug to come back. (which is good, i guess!) Now everything works. maybe a little hiccup after updating mods.

Now there is only one thing that is missing to make this mod perfect xD Factorissimo aknowledging your power poles :D

3 years ago

Haha no if the bug isn't coming then it's bad, and it means I can't fix it :P If it happens again you could just save the current.log file in %appdata%/Factorio. That will tell me most of what I need to know :)

And sooooooon...

3 years ago

okay, if i ever get another bug ill make sure to post it in here!

3 years ago

Factorissimo should now work! :D I changed it so that I use the vanilla items, so it should work easier with other mods too.

If you have any other feedback please feel free to share. I tried watching your streams a little, but since I don't speak German it's hard to understand what could be improved ;)

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