Filter Inserters Begone! deprecated

by SetazeR

Makes all inserters able to filter and hides existing ones. BEWARE! All the simulation inserters in main menu gonna be broken.

5 months ago

g Ghosted inserters issue

10 months ago

I added this mod to an ongoing game i had, and for new inserters it seems to work fine. It also seems to work fine for any inserters already build/running. However, all of the inserters that happened to be in a BP (already ghosted but not built) on the screen didn't work at all until i manually changed each one to blacklist/none. (They were all set to whitelist/none) I tried pasting a new BP after mod is installed, and that doesn't seem affected.

10 months ago

actually, after further testing, the issue seems to be that a BP that is made prior to the mod only seems to paste with whitelist/none set (which means no inserters work)

9 months ago

(They were all set to whitelist/none)

Well, yeah, that's default for new inserters with filter slots if you do absolutely nothing about it. With mod inserters should switch to blacklist when placed by hand/with bots/with scripts.

9 months ago
(updated 9 months ago)

Oh, I think I have an idea of whats happening and how to fix it

Nope, can't reproduce.
What I did (with Editor Extensions Mod):
- Run new game with FIB disabled
- Placed some ghost inserters by hand
- Copied BP from my library to inventory and placed it in world
- Save game, quit.
- Enabled mod
- Made construction robot build everything - eveything works as expected to me, all inserters in blacklist mode
- Just to double check - placed BP again, robot built it - still everything fine, all inserters in blacklist.

9 months ago

Okay, it has nothing to do with ghosts. Here are exact steps to replicate:
1) start a game without the mod loaded. Create a small build with an inserter or two). I did a basic asm1 feeding from a chest then outputting to another chest.
2) make a BP of that small build and save it
3) close the game, load the mod, reload the game - everything will be working.
4) Paste the BP over the existing build and the inserters will immediately stop.

9 months ago

It's still an issue. All inserters revert to being whitelisted after pasting a blueprint over existing inserters.
If you have a BP that existed before the mod and paste the BP over existing Inserters they will revert to being whitelisted.
Sometimes you need to paste an existing Blueprint over an existing setup multiple times and changing each inserter to Blacklist every time can be annoying.

9 months ago
(updated 9 months ago)

This issue is because default state for filter inserters is whitelist (with mod or not). All your blueprinted inserters created before enabling mod become whitelisted filter inserters. It's in the blueprint itself. If you want to paste same building in same places multiple times - make new blueprint where inserters already blacklisted.

Pasting blueprinted inserter over existing one just pastes inserter settings from blueprint. There's nothing I can do with that.

6 months ago

i was afraid of that, i have since removed the mod because its too much work to do all that. Thanks anyway.

6 months ago

I think I have the same issue with installing the mod in an ongoing game (250h+) and all "stackinserter" stopped working because they where switched to Whitelist. And i guess there is no way to find out which of them where stack/bulk inserter and which normal filter inserter before the mod install to switch them all stack once to blacklist. Having filters on the stack once would improve so much the builds and now I have to restart or wait to October for 2.0 :/

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