How can I get the dispatcher to read unique signals for each station?
Let's say I have 3 iron ore outposts, named iron.1, iron.2 and iron.3 (scaled up if I wanted). And I have a dispatcher station(s) named iron.
How can I get my dispatcher to send a train to each station as it becomes ready ("x" amount of ore in inventory).
As far as I can tell, you can only relay a dispatcher signal with a value of one via a decider comb. Or a constant Combinator of whatever value. With these options, I can only see out it is possible to have 2 iron.x station via using both red and green circuits (iron.1 would send a dispatcher value of 1 via decider and iron.2 would send a Singal of 2 via using 2 decoders to add the value to 2) but beyond this the signals would begin to add up and potentially send a signal value equal to a station that is either not ready, or doesn't exist, and bypass the ones that do exist.
Ultimately, I'm not entirely well versed in the circuit network logic, so I'm likely overseeing something, and is why i need assistance.
Thanks for any help.