DMV - Directional Movement Vehicles

Vehicles move like players! - W for North - A for West - S for South - D for East And so much more!

5 months ago


Version: 1.0.6
Date: 2024-07-01
    - Fixed compatibility involving hovercraft and assault hovercraft.
    - Added mods reported incompatible to the incompatibilities list.
    - Fixed spidertron patrols dock collision box changing from 3x3 to 4x4. (If you already had docks with DMV, they'll probably work as-is, or you could pick them up and place them again.)
    - Changed the sticker box that displays enemy spit on vehicles to be square. Vehicles rotate, so a rectangular sticker doesn't make sense.
Version: 1.0.5
Date: 2024-07-01
    - Increased DMV car top-speed drastically to 75 km/h. For reference, the vanilla car burning coal drives on dirt at 100 km/h. Consequently, the car will jump logs, cliffs, and rocks at top speed.
    - Likely fixed error some players experienced running over bugs with a tank.
    - DMV Vehicles no longer bob up and down! Ironclad still bobs in the water!
    - Nerf car gunning cooldown further from 9 to 12, as it was too easy to clear biter nests with some weapon upgrades.
Version: 1.0.4
Date: 2022-07-21
    - Thumbnail is now my standard 720px with minimal harsh diagonals, to look good in as many different UI settings as possible.
Version: 1.0.3
Date: 2022-07-21st
    - Fixed DMVs being able to drive on some water tiles!
Version: 1.0.2
Date: 2022-07-21
    - Supports the new version of Oil-Based Paint.
    - DMVs can now open gates!
Version: 1.0.1
Date: 2022-07-18
    - Support for Boombastique Immersive Sound Pack by Fooltaurus
    - Added Immersive Sound's vehicle impact sounds for DMV impact with trees and rocks which supports Alien Biomes (Boombastique Immersive Sound Pack not required, but recommended)
    - Added vehicle impact particles to Alien Biomes rocks, which is inexplicably missing! Someone should complain to Earendel! :P
    - Changed the way animation layers are recognized when generating DMVs, for compatibility
    - Tanks now deal enough impact/crushing damage to run over medium biters
    - Vehicles that destroy trees now have a slight randomization to how much effort is required to down the tree. (But you still won't see health bars)
    - Tanks collision radius with biters now uses positive numbers (I mean, it was kinda working with negative numbers?)