Experimental mod adding some (banger) music tracks cut in sample to make a DJ robot in game using programmable speakers.

3 months ago
1.1 - 2.0
Circuit network Cheats
The Unlicense (Public Domain)
9 months ago
Latest Version:
0.1.0 (3 months ago)
Factorio version:
1.1 - 2.0
Downloaded by:
98 users

Adds 18 "musical-instrument" to the programmable speaker.

Each instrument correspond to a different song.

Each song is cut into severals samples lasting a number of ticks indicated in their name.

Those sample are the "notes".

Each "notes" has a number, written in their name too, which is how you can choose a particular sample ( the first "1", then the second "2" then the third "3" and so on).

Here is a much longer explanation about the songs themselves, with some blueprints and also a map with them built to demonstrate, although they are not up to date for 2.0 yet.

This is an experimental mod, different methods to cut songs into pieces have been used in an attempt an improving the quality of the sound, but it is not meant to replace or be an alternative to real quality music, this is made to use speakers as toys.

If you want to hear those songs as "game music", or have them as "full song" in the programmable speaker and not just samples you can with this mod

Some samples are designed to loop when repeating, some others will clip if the next sample is not played afterward. Allowing to test different ways of sending the trigger signal to the speaker and find something that works for the particular song.

Some are easier than others to play with combinators, I tried to indicate it so as to let you begin with the very easy one.

List of songs :

  • 1-Electro-positive ( 2 minutes cut into 271 samples, 27 ticks per sample )

    Genre : Test with AI / Techno- Electro - House
    Inspiration : Techno i grew up with and earing recent mixes from Miss Monique
    Comment : Made using SUNO, with lyrics "tu du du tu du du tu du ", " mi mi mi mi MiMo" because i'm pretty sure that's how people sing techno song when they don't know english, i remember having fun doing it. Attempted to remaster the song several time, but it was made with older version of SUNO and the original is very very noisy. This is more a technical proof of concept than a quality song, every sample being 27 ticks, it's easy to play or test in game.
    Difficulty: EASY

  • 2-MiMo-tribute-1 ( 1 minutes 39 seconds cut into 27 samples, various duration per sample )

    Genre : Test with AI / Techno- Electro - House
    Inspiration : Playing with speakers in factorio while earing mixes from Miss Monique
    Comment : Was playing using SUNO, with lyrics similar to previous one, but attempting to include Factorio related mentions. Attempted to make it sound like a robot telling a song about how he became sentient in the factorio world and started to make music inspired by the great artist he's copying. There's like 2% of this story in the song, it started a reflexion on lyrics for me. This was made with an old version of SUNO and i was pretty impressed by the results, good banger moment, attempted to keep only the best part, it is now legacy. The samples all have various duration based on the lyrics, not the music, so supposedly it's possible to only make the song about Factorio, or about MiMo but it's quite hard in game and is some expert combinators build, unlike most other songs made later to adapt to this fact.
    Difficulty: HARD

  • 3-MiMo-tribute-2 ( 2 minutes cut into 29 samples, 450 or 225 or 113 ticks duration per sample )

    Genre : Test with AI / Techno- Electro - House
    Inspiration : Playing with speakers in factorio while earing the song from the other set at Miami Ultra Music
    Comment : Was playing using SUNO, with lyrics similar to previous one, but attempting to include Factorio related mentions. At some point song i noticed the AI was saying "mommy" instead of "MiMo" maybe because of typo in the lyrics or the AI doing something with the "MUM" i used as title for prompt generation and i thought it was funny because it was mother's day and it sounded like the robot was calling his mommy. When it's not mother's day you'd have to play the sample differently. There's some good banger moment in there, and some cringe too, the samples are cut based on the music somehow, but they don't last the same amount of time. It's still tricky to use in game the combinators.
    Difficulty: MEDIUM

  • 4-Peace-Bro ( 5 minutes 47 seconds cut into 100 samples, mostly 250 ticks duration per sample but not all )

    Genre : Big-Room-Electro
    Inspiration : Martin Garrix, Mylo drop-the-pressure
    Comment : a song about joy and peace says the robot, what i want to share :), made using SUNO, the plugin for openvino in Audacity AI a bit of loops generated by the Lime wire AI music creator. Most sequences are generated to be the same duration for the second part of the samples the "pro" part, to make progressive house, you don't have to be a profesionnal , with the sonorities inspired by Mylo's song, but melody like the previous song. There are also some very short sequence that i tried to make so you can adapt the metric of the song, but it's not very good for it. It stays difficult to use in game if not for playing series of samples that have the same duration or hardcoding all the sample.
    Difficulty: MEDIUM/HARD

  • 5-Progressive-Electro-1 ( 2 minutes 57 seconds cut into 51 samples, 213 ticks duration per sample )

    Genre : Progressive house, Melodic techno
    Inspiration : Morjac Theme, Miss Monique Mixes but a bit drunk trying to break some window with the basses.
    Comment : Song made taking into account the difficulty and imperfection of previous so each sample is the same duration, quality of sound still not very good, but transitions between sequences should work with much less effort most of the time. Still not perfect, some sequences are too different from the one just before sometimes whereas some need to be played together for the sound effect in the background that group them to not sound jarring, but when it's done, i found it sound a bit magical like the source of inspiration was copied not too poorly.
    Difficulty: EASY/MEDIUM

  • 6-Peace-Tududu ( 2 minutes into 59 samples, 124 ticks duration per sample except first one)

    Genre : Folktronica
    Inspiration : Wars, Miss Monique interview after the Cercle set
    Comment : Many artists throughout history mentionned war in their art, because it impacts them a lot i suppose. Read many books about it, but it felt especially real for me when after the COVID lockdown mixes, i heard someone had to leave home because of war. Then in an interview after the set the question "Did you music change ?" and the answer " No" impressed me so much. I know it's true when hearing the music. It makes me feel very small when i think of it and me who could be losing my mind over petty things. I wanted to make song for that mood, where you want to bring joy to the world, but you can't forget the pain so you need to transcend. To me it sound like someone complain about "me me me me" and then it turn into "MiMo" like it's the antidote and the complain tone disappear instead it's joyful. But never fully because there's always this reminder about the war. I tried a lot things with AI and kept that one because it seemed the most fitting with my mixed emotions. Like things that make you want to become a hero, but at the same time you know hero are only needed in dramatic time and you do not wish that to anyone. I'm not sure it make a good song for DJing, but it's an attempt at expressing more complex emotions in a song, the samples are easy to play because they have the same duration.
    Difficulty: EASY

  • 7-No-copper-1 ( 2 minutes 50 seconds cut into 46 samples, 222 ticks duration per sample )

    Genre : Progressive-house
    Inspiration : What was called "french-touch" when i was discovering night clubs in the late 2000's that i feel i recognize in many modern song that took it further
    Comment : It's a light song, that is meant to be played as a reminder for a lack of copper in the factory. I don't know if it works for everybody that's a thing i learn in advertising, some brands have an audio jingle/signature which are identifiable by individuals. If you don't have good protection against adds you might have some pattern inconsiouly your brain. This song after you listen to it a lot to me act this way, you don't need to hear the beginning part where it says "Ah dang there's no copper" just hearing any sequences will remind you of the tone used during the initial sequence. Ideally you could "start" the song as an alarm from any sequence and still recognize it. Maybe it's because i listen to it too much. It's made to be very easy to play with combinators with no jarring differences between sequences for most of the song, while the end are "extra"variations that can be inserted anywhere randomly but the quality of the sound is not very good due to using AIs to make it and not being able to remove the noise as well as i wish, or turn it into a pad-like sound with proper pitch variation. The voice invite you to sing, which makes running for copper outpost less annoying in early game.
    Difficulty: EASY

  • 8-No-copper-2 ( 2 minutes 58 seconds cut into 48 samples, 225 ticks duration per sample )

    Genre : Electronic
    Inspiration : "French-touch" 2000's nostalgia, 2010's techno
    Comment : Very similar to previous song , light meant to be played as a reminder for lack of copper, alternate version in case the first one is not to one's liking. A little different emotion in the AI's voice and some heavier bassline makes me qualify it as more "techno" or "tech-house" than "progressive-house", but to me and at the time, the radios that were playing those were playing both it was new and not many people could differentiate. It should also be easy to play with speakers as all sample have the same duration but the Lyrics at around 2/3 of song may be a little off time with the sample that miss the early part. I can't really re-sync the vocals without making it worse. It's not the best song to play in repeat, you are warned, you have to fix the copper problem fast otherwise you may end up hearing this song a lot. After 2/3 of the song it start to detune and sound very different, this is to tell 2 minutes have passed, sort of "problem critical" thing.
    Difficulty: EASY

  • 9-No-copper-3 ( 2 minutes 14 seconds cut into 70 samples, 115 ticks duration per sample )

    Genre : Techno
    Inspiration : First songs i downloaded from the internet with napster when i was a kid and p2p wasn't illegal yet.
    Comment : It is a copper song, but the more "techno" of the 3 from maybe from 1995 or 2000 era, like "supa dupa fly"from 666 , but dryer , like a 2005 remix. Not so light song,more like copper 3, the copper problem is dire. With the aim of proposing variety in genre (around techno) for a copper song . Similarly aimed at being easy to remember and distinctive from the start. With sequences that should work VERY easily with combinators in that the rhythm is very mechanic and the sound is almost silent in between those due to the natural syncopation of the music. It gets repetitive quite fast i found due to this sadly making the song not good to play on repeat but the one that works the best a "copper song/Alarm song" imo.
    Difficulty: VERY EASY

  • 10-Funky-Groove-1 ( 2 minutes cut into 28 samples, 266 ticks duration per sample )

    Genre : Nu-Funk
    Inspiration : Funk music, Canadian DJ Dave Alison , youtuber Davie504
    Comment : Not sure if it should be called Nu-Funk, or Downtempo, song is only instrumental, featuring heavy bassline, and syncopated rhythm, that's what i told SUNO. I like funk songs i was exposed to in my youth but i couldn't tell the name, often it's in movies, or advertisement, or cartoon credits, video game music and i was not looking it up. I wanted one slow and peaceful like Dave Alison's mix. And was also willing to get a good sounding bass because i was trying to learn music and watch many videos from Davie504, including those where he plays with AI and discuss about it. I attempted to rework some loops to make the sequences similar to one another in when the kicks starts. But it's not always a success. If some things sound a little off despite your perfect combinator build, it's on me, my bad, i apologize. It sound better to play a few sequence like a jingle rather than the full song imo.
    Difficulty: MEDIUM

  • 11-Funky-Groove-2 ( 2 minutes cut into 24 samples, 300 ticks duration per sample )

    Genre : Nu-Funk
    Inspiration : Funk music, Canadian DJ Dave Alison , youtuber Davie504
    Comment : Very similar to previous song, less heavy bassline, not even sure how to call the higher pitch instrument this was made by SUNO after some attempts at giving many genre in prompt, like "nu-disco" "funky" "groove" "syncopated" "downtempo" "happy" "g-funk". It's much more syncopated than the average result using "nu-disco". Those are made into interlude if you use my other mod, I found them appeasing when they play the morning in game, and the night was rough in battery or biters attack. It says "good morning let's start slow and happy today". i hope. It should be very easy to play with combinators because it's very repetitive and i didn't messed up the timing on this one. That's the one i found the easiest even, to make seemless loop with a single speaker and playing sample 8 8 9 then 8 8 8 then 8 8 9 by just changing the number while the sample is playing. 300 ticks is long, enough to do it manually, the melody is very simple to it's easy to hear if mistake where made, it was required for me to make sure i could sample it better than the previous one.
    Difficulty: VERY EASY

  • 12-Funky-Groove-3 ( 2 minutes cut into 57 samples, 125 ticks duration per sample )

    Genre : Nu-Funk
    Inspiration : Funk music, Canadian DJ Dave Alison , youtuber Davie504
    Comment : Maybe the most "disco" of the 3. But still not very fast. The most "groove" than "funk". This one was also made using SUNO, i had a lot of those, tried to pick the "best 3 that would work together". And this one adds a little tropical flavor i found when sometimes funk music can feel urban and electric, this one i hope sound a little organic. Also detuned, slightly weird, "uncanny" not sure the proper wording. Not fully happy, with a touch of things to fix. Like a "good morning let's start slowly and happily fix yesterday's mistake". Should be easy to play with combinator but the song is the less silent before kicks in the 3, the frequent background pad sound makes it sometimes quite noticeable when sequences are played in random order.
    Difficulty: EASY

  • 13-Electro-Swing-1 ( 2 minutes cut into 32 samples, 225 ticks duration per sample )

    Genre : Electro-Swing
    Inspiration : Youtube "Electro-swing"
    Comment : I think it's a rule in youtube that if you listen to a lot of music at some point you will hear "electro-swing mix 2 hours". And you can never tell which one it was. Maybe i'm just an idiot. When i hear this its not my head that moves but my butt, like left and right as if i was probing the chair before gaming session . The knees too, people look at me funny in the street and i have to wink my eyebrow so they know i'm just having a good time and not a mad person, or maybe i'm just an idiot. I heard if you trap someone in a factorissimo building with this music for 6 hours, they turn into droids.
    Not sure it's a good song for DJing, but it should be easy to play with combinators and hopefully offer some variety in musical genre ( around techno, electro is somewhat techno, trust me). ( I forgot which AI did this, must be the old SUNO version or limewire AI).
    Difficulty: EASY

  • 14-Funky-Tropical-1 ( 1 minutes 39 seconds cut into 24 samples, 239 ticks duration per sample )

    Genre : Calypso
    Inspiration : Tropico Soundtrack, that bar next to my flat that played this music every sunday when i was younger, the smell of mojito.
    Comment : Factorio/Tropico ? That sound close if you want my opinion, if not it's too late i gave it already. So i really like the music frop Tropico game, as it fit really well into the theme, and is part of the feeling of escape in videogame that i want to pay a tribute to. Music makes me travel in my head, feed imagination, read a book with or without themed music and it's a whole different world to me. This music should only be played if you have a thick jungle on your map or a big forest. It should be easy to play with combinators, but the song is quite short some it could become repetitive fast, though it's a good candidate for extended mix if you like the song. Calypso is a music genre from the Caribbeans, not sure it apply, it also made me think of music that one would see in movie when the action takes place in Cuba. Was made using AI mixing loop made using words like "afro-beat" and "tropical" to generate. Works great with alien biome :)
    Difficulty: EASY

  • 15-Iron-Song-1 ( 2 minutes cut into 32 samples, 225 ticks duration per sample )

    Genre : Tech-house
    Inspiration : late 2000's club music from France.
    Comment : Light song, made similarly as the copper song, to ask "where did the iron go ?" either as a reminder or to play as an alarm. The lyrics "let's get some iron" should be telling and motivating. There's a bit of an eurodance touch too. And one can sing the song too. The simple melody repeating a lot hopefully means it can be easily associated with iron. It's an easy song to play with the speaker due to the duration of the sample being regular, and most of the lyrics being well sync with the samples.
    Difficulty: EASY

  • 16-Calm-Groove-1 ( around 5 minutes cut into 29 samples, 417 ticks duration per sample )

    Genre : Downtempo / Nu-Disco
    Inspiration : YSE Saint Laur'ant and Youtube channel of Gazzz696
    Comment : I had always like those song, peaceful relaxing, dreamy, not so much party song, but more fitting to what could be played by a DJ that would want to play music in the factorio world for the engineers, imo. To bring some positivity. But slower. It should be very easy to play with combinators, as i have learned some tricks by now, and it shouldn't be noticeable when there is a different sequence. This song was made originally with the help of SUNO and slowed and remastered with stem separated as an experiment.
    Difficulty: VERY EASY

  • 17-Calm-Groove-2 ( around 4 minutes cut into 59 samples, 240 ticks duration per sample )

    Genre : Downtempo / Nu-Disco
    Inspiration : YSE Saint Laur'ant and Youtube channel of Gazzz696
    Comment : Very similar to previous song, but i attempted a more in depth remaster after following tutorial video on the Serum synthethizer used in audacity and FL studio to try and play with the high frequency and increase them while i usually dislike them in an attempt at making the song a bit more 'dreamy' and 'etheral'. It should be 'very easy' to play it with combinators because the duration of the samples are the same, but the high frequency noise / delay / reverb may sound a little off, it felt like a necessary tradeoff to improve the song.
    Difficulty: VERY EASY

  • 18-Protecc-1 ( 3 minutes 8 seconds cut into 102 samples, 111 ticks duration per sample , but with exceptions and not the end )

    Genre : Techno
    Inspiration : Venjent - Create Machines discovered from factorio forum.
    Comment : This is a brutal song, the music and the voice supposedly, not really the same genre as the source of inspiration, but the lyrics are heavily inspired. Robot protecc machine making robot, or machine making machine or robot protecc factory making machine making ... The combo are plenty ! The samples are mostly of the same duration but there are some exceptions of very short ones. This is because the lyrics are not sung the same way all along the song and the rhythm of the song has some little offset, without those the loops would cut the lyrics in middle of words. With those, the song is not easy to play, but many samples have the same duration, so it' still not on of the hardest. This is a defense song, if the game would allow it, it would play when the player loses some buildings to create an emergency ambiance, the song is not super pleasant to hear due to the voice not singing the same notes in the 2 ears, not sure that was a smart idea to aim for creating a slight discomfort, please tell me if that song scare your pets. It's only supposed to work on biters ! The loops can be used to play an instrumental only song in case.
    Difficulty: MEDIUM

Pro-tip :

When playing for the first time a sound after loading the game, there will be a slight yet noticeable delay between the trigger and the sound, this doesn't occur when playing the sound the other times.
As such a functionning blueprint in a game will only work after a "heating round" when reloading the game.
It will then have no delay.

Mod that work well with :

Pushbutton: Making it easier to trigger a pulse when preparing a contraption

You can then wire a sample to a button ! And then press F to play a sound like a drumpad or sequencer !

Picker Dollies:Making it easier to move speakers and combinators without having to rewire them