Preceti's Music Experiment

Adds original songs from me to the Game Ambient music or to the Programmable Speaker or both, depending on your settings. With settings to choose which songs are added or not.( around 2 hours of "music" )

21 days ago
3 months ago
Latest Version:
0.0.23 (21 days ago)
Factorio version:
Downloaded by:
252 users

This mod contain some song I made specifically to act as energetic ambient sound (without lyrics).

And also songs about factorio posted on the forum overtime (with lyrics related to factorio).

But this mod was meant originally to contains all the song from my other DJ mod in "full" version. Those are club sound, for the musical genre, it's even more energetic. ( some with, some without lyrics). The transitions as ambient game music are brutal, those are only played when the "crazy mode" is activated, that's how i use it, but it can be distracting.

If you don't like a song, you can remove it using the settings and it won't be played, but it works for all players, and the game need to be reloaded. ( you can use the speaker to know the name of the particular song in game, or the descriptions at the end of page )

The songs are also available as a programmable speaker alarm under 2 customs instruments added at the bottom of the list so you can "turn off music" in the settings, and try to make your own juke box with circuits. Their duration in tick is indicated to help.

Otherwise when selected, songs can randomly be played in a game, alternating with the regular factorio music, while some song are only for the menu.

Songs in Factorio (currently as far as i'm aware) are played following a pattern of "interlude" "main-track" "interlude" main-track" repeating with some pauses in between while some songs are exclusive to the "main menu" (not game music). I have attempted to mimick this by making different group of songs in which they are sorted by default, but i added a setting to remove all songs with lyrics, because again i know it can be distracting.

The following description of the song is up to date with version 0.21 :

List of songs :

With Lyrics / Menu songs

  • 1-Funky-Lad-Engineer ( 4 min : 16 sec )

    Genre : Electro-Funk/Electro-Rock
    Inspiration : Bodyrockers-I Like the Way, Naive New Beaters-Live Good , Mark Ronson Uptown Funk
    Comment : Wannabe fun song about doing things with computer as an engineer and being happy. Attempt at making it sound like an alarm clock reminding you to sing "Funky Lad Engineer -Make Things with computeer" when it's time for fun as it made me happy to do so on inspiration songs.
    Lyrics sung by Suno, track structure re-arranged with a bit of stem separation to extend it and keep my favourite parts.

  • 2-Gleba-(edit1) ( 3 min : 54 sec )

    Genre : Dance
    Inspiration : Cascada, Crazy Frog / 2006 club music in Germany/France
    Comment : Song about the planet Gleba made when it was revealed in a FFF, based on wild speculations read on the forum, and the will to follow along about its past and future as the engineer is the alien there.
    Lyrics sung by Suno, track reconstructed from different song with stem separation and addition of instrumental parts and glitchy parts.

  • 3-Peace-Bro-extended ( 5 min : 47 sec )

    Genre : Big Room Electro/ Progressive-house
    Inspiration : Martin Garrix , Mylo-drop the pressure
    Comment : Party song about joy and peace, extended version /medley of a song for the DJROBOT mod and a more progressive part to allow for less abrupt transition an the ending. Composed of loops following each others, more meant for remix than straight listen.

  • 4-Factorio-Friday-Fact-Fever ( 3 min : 42 sec )

    Genre : Folktronica
    Inspiration : Macklemore , the song "Fever" and all the covers that mixes in my head.
    Comment : Joyful song with lyrics about the thrill of the FFF coming every week, attempt to mimick a genre and a style that had great popular/commercial success to make a catchy song, "for everyone" which is a reference to the C&C games, apart from the lyrics it's 90% Suno , lucky result in few attempts.

  • 5-Tiny-Problems-in-the-Factory ( 3 min : 14 sec )

    Genre : Folktronica / Alternative hip-hop
    Inspiration : M.I.A.-Paper planes (Slumdog Millionaire), fixing things in the factory for the lyrics.
    Comment : Light song about the virtue or perseverance in overcoming problems, and not giving up to build your dream. I wrote the lyrics and gave them to different AIs for them to sing searching for something that would fit the mood until i heard something that reminded me of a song i liked it when it was released. This took quite some attempts but few finishing touches.

  • 6-Im-not-bitter ( 3 min : 53 sec )

    Genre : Big-Room-Electro
    Inspiration : Shrek OST/vibes + 2020's electro. Biters pets, Biter power and all the cute biters out there.
    Comment : When you look at all the possible new ennemy you could make on the mod portal, and decide to try catch them all turning a little mad in the process you start talking to them as if they were just angry cat you want to calm down because it's just a tranquilizer and they need to take it already. You can hear i pieced the sequences myself here and there, it packs a lot more punch like that i found, and when you play it on the speakers in game it sound like a battle cry +20% combat efficency -80% focus for building the factory.

  • 7-Bug-Rage-Night ( 3 min : 12 sec )

    Genre : Indie-pop
    Inspiration : Milky Chance - Stolen dance, the idiom :"the voice of reason" , "reason" being a feminine word in french.
    Comment : Something is off in the factory, a little bug, and it makes me mad, like real mad, sort of impossible to control rage. And sometimes it feels like i need to relieve the pressure. To hear the voice of reason. She is a bit melancholic to sum up such tantrum behavior that she find desmaying or appaling not sure the exact word. But it's still full of affection when she tells me to calm down and try to laugh for a while. It works for me, maybe for you too ? A friend told me a few tricks for doing the mastering on voices, and i wanted to try them on a song i wrote for AI to sing, not all the words are fully sang, but i thought it was funny because the song is about a bug, so i added a glitchy intro. The bug is also the behavior, that is not reasonnable too. up to you to interpret :)

  • 8-shreksophone-remix ( 6 min : 03 sec )

    Genre : It's complicated
    Inspiration : and
    Comment : I'm a curious person, looking at things just because they look weird sometimes, like this mod that intringued me, plus I like Shrek, and feel like Shrek in a swamp casually minding my dirty things when playing factorio, and sometimes people join my game and it's an adventure. Which is only fair, as the other time for sure people can easily picture me as the donkey. After listening to the song, thinking it was too short, I tried to make an extended version using AIs. Then learned it was a meme song that buzzed and there was 100 hour version on youtube, but on Factorio thanks to this mod, you can make a robot that play the song in repeat for much longer with just a speaker and a wire. I'm not saying you should, but you may be tempted after hearing the song or the remix., i did, then built it in a factorissimo building and called it Shrek's Party Hut, someone even said "WTF", so be warned, not everyone's prepared for this one, please use carefully.

  • 9-Great-Master-Engineer( 1 min : 46 sec )

    Genre : reggae / reggae-AI / reggae-high
    Inspiration : L'Entourloop , my life where i did some stuff in the fields of reggae music , nothing at all from other real-life events (no links between politics and music was used as inspiration), Soul Majestic
    Comment : This is a sarcastic, hopefully funny song. There are so many different flavour of reggae, for those who have no idea some have very serious political or religious texts, it would probably be seen as a big offense to make "AI" reggae. But there are also cunning reggaeman who understand the codes of the modern musical industry and disguise their lyrics either through metaphor or sarcasm or double meanings so that it doesn't sound political. That resonate with some french litterature written under royal censorship. Then i thought of making a song with lyrics that "sound like they were made by an AI", but picking carefully only those that are either ridiculous, empty of meaning when considered properly, or having a double one. To make it sound like a poor robot was tasked to "make a song for my large crowd of robots to sing my glory", and decided to troll a bit the engineer who requested. Was reading about Chostakovitch's life at the time, that helped shape the idea for the lyrics too. So yes it sounds like bullshit, in case you are wondering, it actually is, full of it, absolutly full of it. I think it's called self-deprecation, or second degree i'm not sure a mix of both. It's when you do not take yourself too seriously, it's not too long hopefully, just enough to make you laugh, like someone with a loud music that enter a public place an tune it down, but you still heard which song was playing.

  • 10-Iron-Complaint ( 3 min : 04 sec )

    Genre : Voice play / Experimental / abstract hip hop
    Inspiration : Compilation of songs for Childrens
    Comment : This is a sarcastic song, hopefully funny too. I tried to find the saddest voice i could get with an AI, or grumpiest sounding possible. To talk about the broken dream of growing the factory due to an all too comon iron shortage. And that robot would keep playing a broken record to try and feel better about it and getting over it as the song passes. With the lyrics, but the voice stays pathetic. Situation so bad even the instruments can't play at first and they have to make noise with surrounding items or hands. But this is also supposed to sound better over the course of the song, sorry if it's not the case :/ This song is for when mistake are done, i don't know for everyone, but me sometimes i have this inner voice saying "what an idiot" about me with a voice that could be the grumpy one. "oh the chests are empty, because this splitter was facing the wrong way". , "oh there was a rail missing for the last 3 hours and now there's a big traffic jam" . nieyeeyeheyeehe. This one is about iron shortage. You can start playing the song, and destroy the speaker. It's doesn't solve the iron shortage, but it's easy enough to do, like a snooze on an alarm clock, in case the song play 3 or 4 time in a row because you are busy solving other shortages, you may be tempted :)


  • 1-Deep-Electronica-1 ( 3 min : 14 sec )

    Genre : Chill-house / Deep-house
    Inspiration : Factorio OST, Deep-house mix that youtube algo keeps showing me probably to try and make me listen to other mix than those from Miss Monique
    Comment : Played in FL studio with a plugin that generate melody and the sound of a synth untill i had something that sort of reminded me of the Factorio theme added some effects and kick following youtube tutos and gave the unfinished thing to AIs for them to add things, kepts my favourite parts and mixed them in a song with an intro and outro so it can be either played in repeat mode, or fit as an interlude like the originals from the game.

  • 2-Echoes-of-the-Desert-1 ( 2 min : 38 sec )

    Genre : Melodic Techno/ Progressive-house
    Inspiration : Scissor Sisters-Invisible Lights
    Comment : Not sure if Suno or LimeWire made the original samples which sounded like a copy of a song i really liked when it was released, attempted to do some stem separation and make it sound a bit less emotionnal and a bit more joyful, added intro and outro so it can be either played in repeat mode , or fit as an interlude like the originals from the game with still the energy of a party sound. Not really evocative of the desert despite the name.

  • 3-Echoes-of-the-Desert-2 ( 2 min : 26 sec )

    Genre : Deep-House
    Inspiration : RILTIM
    Comment : Mostly a Suno song slowed down a lot and repitched with some sound added when i saw fit. Made to be relaxing and evocating of the desert with an intro/outro so it can be either played in repeat mode, or fit as an interlude like the originals from the game.

  • 4-Quietness-1 ( 4 min : 09 sec )

    Genre : Jazzy-Chillhouse
    Inspiration : Places where strangers can play piano and others would clap and it is ok to do so. Video youtube explaning me the context when it was not ok to do so.
    Comment : This a relaxing, peaceful song, maybe a bit long for an interlude on paper, but that is not considering the 2 different voices expressing themselves who need some time, the "piano" and the "synth/bass", so you can relax AND keep working. One day i was watching musicians and one gave me a maracas saying i could use it to play with them. I was a kid, but i still remember because it was the first time i used a musical instrument. I like the idea that one can do more than just listening to the music, like singing or clapping or interacting. I think with this music other player can build along the fingerclap, i found it fun. Much of it is AI samples, with some sounds added made into a song.


  • 1-Research ( 5 min 36 sec)

    Genre : Progressive Minimal
    Inspiration : Factorio OST vibes and the FFF music early reveal for the Space Age extension (with kicks)
    Comment : Made entirely in FL studio over a month or so, by adding sequences or changing them a bit every day to learn how to use it and with the aim of making a song that is not boring to listen to, but not distracting either that would play nicely as game soundtrack for Factorio thinking about something my friends could agree upon and i could listen to while trying to sleep in the train IRL. Then attempted to make that long 13:48 min song that was in the early version in the current shorter one. ( there may still work to do on it though, maybe i just need to chill, i'm still "researching" on this one)

  • 2-Inquiry ( 3 min : 46 sec )

    Genre : Progressive Minimal
    Inspiration : Fantasia-Sorcerer apprentice , Factorio OST vibes, .
    Comment : Made in FL studio, attempt at not making a "fun" or "happy" song, it was difficult. Attempt at using a slow synth to give a dreamy feel, and another fast one to mimick the relentless march of the cleaning broomstick as it stuck in memory reminding me of how messy and out-of-control can uncontrolled automation feel. ( probably not definitive version )

  • 3-Following ( 5 min : 25 sec )

    Genre : Progressive House/Melodic techno, Eurodance
    Inspiration : "XX min Around the world" mixes from youtube Alexe LAN-K music, SAVAGE-44 - Rock da house , Miss Monique mixes
    Comment : Song in 2 parts, a pathway, and then arrival at the night-club, written in F# phrygian, with an attempt at making the plucked synth sound like oriental deep house, for a soft and fast song early on, and the later part alternance of more punchy and more dreamy part to match what i think can fit the factorio mood or be played in repeat. Made in FL studio following tutorials on automation clip, then give those loops to various AI without prompt, to see how they would understand the sequences, keeping my favourites, and stitching them with the original loops and some finishing touches to make a full song. The ending is boring but if i try to think of something the song would be too long like 1-Research so for now it's like that because i really want to listen to it in the game but they will be reworked at some point i suppose.

  • 4-Taming-bugs ( 5 min : 40 sec )

    Genre : Experimental Progressive House/Melodic techno, chill , ambient
    Inspiration : artist named "DANGER" which i liked from when i was a kid, listening to 11h30 or 14h54 up to Furi soundtrack more recently (famously?).
    Comment : This is a wannabe relaxing song, with some passages of soft uplifting/power techno, similar to previous song, but slower and with more intricacies in the structure. There's this guy i call friend when we are not arguing, and that time he said he liked the sound of the "humming bass" at 12sec in the intro of the song "Bug-Rage-Night". So i attempted to make a whole song around it, using the synth "Serum", to try different loops with kicks , clicks ,claps and pads , and gave to various AIs with various prompt to see what they would do. Then stitch my favourites pieces with the originals and added some glitchy parts, thinking about the awkwardness of human relation, and how there's ups and down, and things are not linear. I thought it would make a good music for "main track" as there are some more quiet part, more like "building-game"/"brain-time" when the bugs are tamed or at the beginning of the game. And some more dynamic techno for combat, or epic time to match the feel when the thing is working. Hopefully you like it too !

  • 5-Plucked-Overdrive ( 6 min : 27 sec )

    Genre : Experimental/Electro
    Inspiration : Praise Cats feat. Andrea Love - Shined On Me , Kalinka, electro-overdrived plucks.
    Comment : This is an energetic song ! The same melody repeats over time, faster and faster at first, and then with an instrument i tried evocating of an overdrive. The rhythm of the melody is inspired by a happy love song "Shined On Me", but i tried to use different scales of notes to make it good for deep thinking and a little down-to-earth,when things need to be done manually, but the head is thinking to something else, less intense in the notes used than a love song, only the rythm and the instrument are supposed to be energetic. This was made by repeatedly giving a minute of song i wrote to various AIs telling them as prompt "faster and faster" without any other indication, then using parts of the hours generated to reconstruct a song with my favourite instruments, and finishing touches like reworking some drops. This is part of an experiment to see how it feels in game as a medley of 2 songs and how to "build on a motive" (without it sounding repetitive in a boring way). Maybe it could be made into 2 songs that would have some breathing time in them but it somewhat felt wrong to do 2 songs with the same melody. It's not like the OST which does "build on a motive" in a way i need to study more. The outro had to be distorted after playing so relentlessly the instrument for the whole song, hopefully making it sound like a progression toward "more and more" or "heavier and heavier". Like a factory in the game, where the more mechanical/organised part follows the organic spagetthi that goes in every direction with some mistakes still allowed at first.

  • 6-Resilience ( 6 min : 30 sec )

    Genre : Experimental/Electro
    Inspiration : I tried to avoid taking inspiration on other songs for this one
    Comment : This is a motivationnal song whose structure is a progression like the life of some persons, very early the alarm prevent the warmth to spread further, interrupting the pluck, but some heavy bass and kicks comes out to liberate it so they can celebrate again later, they tasted it and won't forget. But they all are a bit tired, so they don't dance, they nod the head smiling, occasionnaly taping with the foot, they still have a little surprise or two just in case it's needed to kick away some alarm again but otherwise, they spread the warmth till the end. And wonder if they done it well. You'd be absolutly wrong if you do not hear exactly what i described in the song because that's exactly what i put into it using FL studio, some AIs and finishing up the song in audacity. I hope this gives you motivation to persevere when it's not easy hoping it will not be necessary.

  • 7-Lostitude ( 4 min : 05 sec )

    Genre : Experimental/Techno
    Inspiration : Song from my chilhoods 1990-2005, Miss Monique mixes, factorio OST
    Comment : This a song for thinking while observing. I followed tutorials to learn how to make the riser white noise and eletro/house crash combo that i really like in Miss Monique mixes , the learning is still (slowly) ongoing ! I added lots of it there, maybe a bit too much of if you just listen to it, but it is meant to take deep breath /big inspiration of air, or something. Ideally you would not do repetitive task, but monitor the factory in map view, or follow a train and look at somewhere else everytime the music changes, more of a passive song to relax, and rejoice when you are sure everything is in check and you are leaving the lostitude. That's when you can't even talk with latitude and longitude because you're just too far away, like crashed on another planet level of far away. I wrote a part of the song, and gave it to AIs but it seemed difficult for them to understand it and the distribution of outputs was unusual, the variation in the output were unusually large, i had things from very different genre almost like random AND many output were almost identical. I picked a selection where the kicks are the less present to try and emulate the factorio OST, also picking those that had similar sounding instruments and made it into this song. I hope you get a good familiar feelings when hearing it and do not feel lost too in the song, just in your thoughts :)

  • 8-Lone ( 3 min : 59 sec )

    Genre : Experimental/Techno
    Inspiration : the noise it makes when sweeping the floor with a broom, previous song with plucks, Stromae's sad/deep song that were played in club for people to party , Miss Monique dj sets
    Comment : This is a melancholic and energetic song. I read somewhere that Factorio was not about party, but i it think was wrong, because life is a party, and so is Factorio, maybe some people think all party are fun and happy, but no, many people go "partying" when they are sad, or try to connect with a crowd because they feel lonely. I don't know if that help but that made me think that the engineer must feel very lonely after crashing on Nauvis. I can't imagine engineer was alone in the ship, so part of the song is about the sadness of being alone, other part show determination to find and rescue other crew members or escape the planet and meet civilization again. The saddest part were made mostly in FL studio to gives the AI the melody, tempo and the sound of the different instruments for some audio continuation (transitions & drop with "dark synthwaves" as prompt ), made into a song with structure & polished with audacity. I hope it's not making you sad, it's supposed to do the opposite !

  • 9-Offset ( 4 min : 05 sec )

    Genre : Experimental/Techno
    Inspiration : Not quite sure where i heard something like that for the trumpet, but i was guided by memories, and the sound for bass and kicks are inspired by Miss Monique dj sets
    Comment : This a song with a seemingly relax start followed with tension, anxiety and release of violent emotion, that could still fit as a "main track" regarding the others. Was working on a loop with the "trumpet" and the pluck for sometime trying to make something calmer and practicing with notes of different lengh on FL studio, but it didn't work and i put it aside like so many other loops. One day i was quite pissed at things and realized this particular one had quite some similarities with previous song, so i worked on it again, to have a more energetic/ angry development too by changing some things in the loop and giving it to AIs again. When working on a potential structure i noticed that duplicating some part and playing them with a slight offset in tiime would increase the tension a lot, bashed my head a bit with it untill i got something that i like as a song, with energy to carry for tasks like making a factory. I think it can also work if you are getting increasingly pissed off by biters and you decide to go on rampage like a revenge or solve deadlocked trains with rocket launcher, that kind of things. Please enjoy within the limit permitted by the game :)

See DJROBOTMIXTAPE1 for the others

Current plan to use : trying to see how it feels to have different music genre added to the factorio game and improve my music creations to not just fit my personnal mood but fit more into the factorio mood and the way ambient sound are made.

to do :
- making sure no intro-outro are missing
- adding (more) interludes
- better coding
- make it easier to select songs based on the desired mood