Spidertron Automation


Automated Spidertrons; have the ability to move, set logistic requests, construct, deconstruct, repair, upgrade entities/blueprints and destroy enemies of any size, anywhere on the map with items from your logistic network for the ultimate fire and forget automation and megabase quality of life experience with unmatched scaling potential.

a day ago
1.1 - 2.0
Logistics Combat Logistic network


Can you have more than one Constructron

Yes, as many as you like.

Does it work with custom robots?

Yes, specify the internal robot name in the mod settings.

Will Constructrons 'double up' on requests if more than one Constructron needs to be sent to a big job?

No, only what is required to build everything in that job is requested.

Will Constructrons word with multi-surface mods like Space Exploration?


I use RibonMaze or any other mod that creates voids in the terrain, will this work?


Will Constructrons rebuild destroyed entities? I.e at my perimeter defense.


Can you turn them off or ignore ghosts etc?

Yes with commands such as /ctron disable construction or through the mod menu.

Can you change the Constructron or Service Station recipe

Yes, via settings > mods > startup > use easy recipes toggle.

Can I tell the Constructrons to build as much as it can if there is not enough items available in the logistic network

Yes, cancel the item requests it makes.




The pathfinder is not taking the most optimal route, why?

The path that the base game returns is based on parameters that get more granular as the path failure rate increases. It is not possible to optimize the game pathfinder to work 100% efficiently all the time.

The base game pathfinder cannot both collide with water and also path find to a water

A Constructron is stuck trying to walk on water.

Yes, don't tell it to do something in the water.. Remove what ever it is trying to do and it will recover by itself.




What is the entities_per_tick setting?

This controls the number of entities that get processed per tick when you place something. Higher numbers will spike your CPU but also will trigger jobs to start faster.

What is the job_delay setting for?

This is to allow network robots to complete the task before a Constructron job is triggered. Mostly, robots are detected if they are on the way anyway however.

What is Horde Mode?

Horde mode assigns only one job chunk to a Constructron rather than multiple which results in more Constructrons being assigned smaller jobs. Literally thousands of Constructrons can be utilized this way if your job queue is big enough.

Demo: https://www.reddit.com/r/factorio/comments/10teg5u/automatic_spidertrons_annihilating_the_previous/