Spidertron Automation


Automated Spidertrons; have the ability to move, set logistic requests, construct, deconstruct, repair, upgrade entities/blueprints and destroy enemies of any size, anywhere on the map with items from your logistic network for the ultimate fire and forget automation and megabase quality of life experience with unmatched scaling potential.

a month ago
1.1 - 2.0
Logistics Combat Logistic network

g Unwanted behaviour when used with Auto-Deconstruct and AbandonedRuins mods

2 years ago

AbandonedRuins can spawn burner/electric drills and pumpjacks. Autodeconstruct will then mark them for deconstruction as they have no resources left to spawn.The Constructron will then try to deconstruct them, even though they can't be removed by bots as they haven't been 'claimed' through AbandonedRuin's features.

This also causes the Constructron to rush off into unexplored chunks.

Posting this issue here as I only noticed this with the latest update to this mod pushed a day ago - the problem almost instantly manifested after updating and is obvious enough that I should have notice if it was happening before.

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)


It sounds like I will need a save file, could you please upload one? if you need a place to do so; https://transfer.sh/

The v1.0.16 update only made the entity processing faster, I do not know what could have caused this.

Also feel free to join the discord to discuss the issue!

2 years ago


It seemed to have stopped the odd behaviour... until this new update! The save file has the constructron mid-issue, heading into darkness south-west.

2 years ago


I am afraid I cannot offer a solution at this time however I am confident this problem will not exist in the rewrite or 2.0 version. The issue is related to the combination of mods you use and this mod not accounting for different forces.

v2.0 will need testers so I invite you to the discord to stay up to date on the beta release news.

2 years ago

Hi. I confirm the unwanted problematic behaviour. I just lost my constructron on that. The mod is not playable with the 3 combinated mods currently (unless removing the "deconstruct" job but it greatly limit the point of constructron since I installed it mainly to deal with the deconstruct of ruins. Do you have an ETA on the 2.0 ?

2 years ago


I believe I have managed to fix this in v1.0.18. The beta is still a few weeks off yet, more info will be announced on the discord server.

If you haven't already, feel free to drop into the discord https://discord.gg/m9TDSsH3u2

Let me know if you experience any further issues!