Spidertron Automation


Automated Spidertrons; have the ability to move, set logistic requests, construct, deconstruct, repair, upgrade entities/blueprints and destroy enemies of any size, anywhere on the map with items from your logistic network for the ultimate fire and forget automation and megabase quality of life experience with unmatched scaling potential.

a month ago
1.1 - 2.0
Logistics Combat Logistic network

b pathing confusion - circle dance [Work around available]

3 years ago

The "construction" bot seems to get easily path-confused and resorts to "dancing" in a very tight circle for a varying length of time. Sometimes only a few seconds and in some cases seemingly permanent.

3 years ago


We are working on a fix for this, please slow your Constructrons down by removing some exo skelletons to work around the issue.

2 years ago

This is not a bug with a mod, this is how vanilla Spidertron works as well. But this mod could of course detect when a spidertron has been dancing too long in the same spot and give it some new temporary commands to refresh it to work around the issue.

2 years ago

This is not a bug with a mod, this is how vanilla Spidertron works as well. But this mod could of course detect when a spidertron has been dancing too long in the same spot and give it some new temporary commands to refresh it to work around the issue.

That's easier said than done actually, the spidertron is orbiting the way point because of game mechanics so it is actually moving. The rewrite (v2.0) should give us more options in regards to this issue but it is probably 2 months away. An announcement will be made in Discord about a beta some time before that time if you would like to test.

Until then, the viable work around is to slow the unit down by removing some legs. They don't need to have a lot of speed.