Spidertron Automation


Automated Spidertrons; have the ability to move, set logistic requests, construct, deconstruct, repair, upgrade entities/blueprints and destroy enemies of any size, anywhere on the map with items from your logistic network for the ultimate fire and forget automation and megabase quality of life experience with unmatched scaling potential.

a month ago
1.1 - 2.0
Logistics Combat Logistic network

b Crash when placing port in grid [Work around available]

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

When I try to place a roboport in the Construction's grid I get the error below. Looking at it I suspect it's due to not having a station placed yet. It still shouldn't crash. Perhaps place an icon similar to what the regular roboports have when they're connecting to the network.

The mod Constructron-Continued (1.0.10) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event Constructron-Continued::on_nth_tick(60)
Constructron-Continued/control.lua:1234: attempt to index local 'closest_station' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
Constructron-Continued/control.lua:1234: in function 'get_job'
Constructron-Continued/control.lua:1425: in function <Constructron-Continued/control.lua:1422>

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)


Thanks, I have fixed this up in the next release. For anyone else reading this, please place at least one service station before placing equipment in a Constructron.

There is some new icons coming in a future release too.

3 years ago

Resolved in 1.0.11.

Jump into Discord if you encounter any more issues!