Spidertron Automation


Automated Spidertrons; have the ability to move, set logistic requests, construct, deconstruct, repair, upgrade entities/blueprints and destroy enemies of any size, anywhere on the map with items from your logistic network for the ultimate fire and forget automation and megabase quality of life experience with unmatched scaling potential.

a month ago
1.1 - 2.0
Logistics Combat Logistic network

b Constructron deadlocks

3 years ago

I'm going to document circumstances where I've observed deadlocks in this thread. If it would be more helpful to report in another way please let me know.

A "deadlock" is a situation where Constructron stops performing work and must be mined and re-placed to "reset" it.

3 years ago

After placing a blueprint with landfill, blue Constructron will approach the construction site and then deadlock.

3 years ago

Constructron will deadlock when requesting items that are in a separate logistics network from the one it is currently in.

3 years ago

After performing a job, a blue Constructron will sometimes return to the service station with excess materials in its inventory. I would expect it to trash these materials and become grey, but instead it simply stands near the service station and deadlocks.

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)


After placing a blueprint with landfill, blue Constructron will approach the construction site and then deadlock.

v1.0.6 completely ignores tiles and will not try to path into water, v1.0.7 (unreleased) ignores landfill.

Constructron will deadlock when requesting items that are in a separate logistics network from the one it is currently in.

At this time there is no support for multiple logistics networks. Whilst this should be supported in the future, maybe you are over complicating the situation?

After performing a job, a blue Constructron will sometimes return to the service station with excess materials in its inventory. I would expect it to trash these materials and become grey, but instead it simply stands near the service station and deadlocks.

It does this already with the clear_items function. Could you tell me more about this situation?

3 years ago

maybe you are over complicating the situation?

What do you mean?

It does this already with the clear_items function. Could you tell me more about this situation?

I'm not sure. I am only using it normally and then trying to remember what I was doing with it after I notice it has deadlocked. If you can suggest any tests I could do, I will try them.

3 years ago

I have managed to code logic to move between service stations however it does not recognize if they are in the same logistic network or have items avaiable yet.

I'm not sure. I am only using it normally and then trying to remember what I was doing with it after I notice it has deadlocked. If you can suggest any tests I could do, I will try them.

I suggest creating a sandbox game with a very basic setup and observe behaviors with different jobs.

Lastly, 1.0.7 will soon be available now that I have my mod portal account back.

3 years ago
The mod Constructron-Continued (1.0.7) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event Constructron-Continued::on_nth_tick(60)
__Constructron-Continued__/control.lua:603: attempt to index global 'next_station' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
    __Constructron-Continued__/control.lua:603: in function 'do_until_leave'
    __Constructron-Continued__/control.lua:1200: in function 'do_job'
    __Constructron-Continued__/control.lua:1221: in function <__Constructron-Continued__/control.lua:1212>
3 years ago

The mod Constructron-Continued (1.0.7) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event Constructron-Continued::on_nth_tick(60)
Constructron-Continued/control.lua:603: attempt to index global 'next_station' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
Constructron-Continued/control.lua:603: in function 'do_until_leave'
Constructron-Continued/control.lua:1200: in function 'do_job'
Constructron-Continued/control.lua:1221: in function <Constructron-Continued/control.lua:1212>

I already found this bug and it will be fixed in the next release. To work around it for now, just ensure you have two Service Stations on the map.

3 years ago

v1.0.8 will definitely resolve this issue and is getting very close. I will close this thread off but also feel free to jump into the new discord if you need any more help!