Spidertron Automation


Automated Spidertrons; have the ability to move, set logistic requests, construct, deconstruct, repair, upgrade entities/blueprints and destroy enemies of any size, anywhere on the map with items from your logistic network for the ultimate fire and forget automation and megabase quality of life experience with unmatched scaling potential.

5 days ago
1.1 - 2.0
Logistics Combat Logistic network

i Multiple logistics networks

2 years ago

I have one logistics network with nothing in it but landfill. When I place a service station in it, Constructron deadlocks waiting for logistics requests for items that are in a different network.

It would be great if either:

1- Constructron could travel to service stations with the materials it needs to fulfill requests, OR
2- Constructron could fulfill jobs once it has all the requested items that are in its home service station. This would effectively give me a separate "landfill constructron"

2 years ago

If I remember well, constructron are actually not planned to work with Tiles anyway, including landfill. But I see your point for others problems.

2 years ago

You're right -- You reminded me to post a thread about that too :)

2 years ago

Whilst it is limiting gameplay (which I dislike) this is rather difficult to do at this time as it requires a bit of a rewrite to the job system and service station finding function.