Spidertron Automation


Automated Spidertrons; have the ability to move, set logistic requests, construct, deconstruct, repair, upgrade entities/blueprints and destroy enemies of any size, anywhere on the map with items from your logistic network for the ultimate fire and forget automation and megabase quality of life experience with unmatched scaling potential.

a month ago
1.1 - 2.0
Logistics Combat Logistic network

i Could constructron look for all ghost entities?

3 years ago

Including the ghost entities left after structures are destroyed? I'd love for a constructron to be able to maintain perimeter defenses.

3 years ago

This will be in the next release and will use the (blue) build process =)

3 years ago

Hi there!

I have just released v1.0.5 which has the rebuild functionality!

3 years ago

Awesome, thanks! Looking forward to trying it out.