Spidertron Automation


Automated Spidertrons; have the ability to move, set logistic requests, construct, deconstruct, repair, upgrade entities/blueprints and destroy enemies of any size, anywhere on the map with items from your logistic network for the ultimate fire and forget automation and megabase quality of life experience with unmatched scaling potential.

a month ago
1.1 - 2.0
Logistics Combat Logistic network

b Picking up a Constructon throw a non recuperable error (crash)

3 years ago

As the title said, I picked up a constructron because she was doing nothing while there was a lot of deconstruction to do and the game crashed. Is there an other way to reset a constructon if she is stuck for whatever reason ?

3 years ago

Unfortunately not at the moment.

It sounds like it was colored red? The only way to pickup a ctron is when it does not have an active job(Grey). It may also be the case of when there are no active jobs on the map. I have also encountered crashes when placing ctron's when there are active jobs.

The workaround is - if it is deconstructing a lot of items and the inventory(ies) fill up is to remove items manually and let it proceed with the job.

I will make issues for these on the github.

3 years ago

Yes, it was a red one. There was still jobs to be done and the inventory was not full to my knowledge but the constructron was not moving so I tried to pick it up to reset it. Perhaps the inventory was, indeed, full. I will pay more attention next time. Thanks for the information !

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Yes, it was a red one. There was still jobs to be done and the inventory was not full to my knowledge but the constructron was not moving so I tried to pick it up to reset it. Perhaps the inventory was, indeed, full. I will pay more attention next time. Thanks for the information !
edit : I checked an early save an the constructron was not full (half way full at maximum). I empty it anyway but still don't want to move. I also tried to remove the robotport and robot inside the constructron : no effect. Removing the constructron service station : no effect.

3 years ago

Yes, it was a red one. There was still jobs to be done and the inventory was not full to my knowledge but the constructron was not moving so I tried to pick it up to reset it. Perhaps the inventory was, indeed, full. I will pay more attention next time. Thanks for the information !
edit : I checked an early save an the constructron was not full (half way full at maximum). I empty it anyway but still don't want to move. I also tried to remove the robotport and robot inside the constructron : no effect. Removing the constructron service station : no effect.

What version of Factorio are you playing?

3 years ago

for me this to stop do anythink. most when go deconstruct. like destroi 5 clif this go lokation destroy and stand. not move animore. but when try put another spider get error

The mod Constructron-Continued (1.0.0) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event Constructron-Continued::on_nth_tick(60)
Constructron-Continued/control.lua:894: attempt to index field 'logistic_cell' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
Constructron-Continued/control.lua:894: in function 'get_job'
Constructron-Continued/control.lua:998: in function <Constructron-Continued/control.lua:990>

3 years ago

Yes, it was a red one. There was still jobs to be done and the inventory was not full to my knowledge but the constructron was not moving so I tried to pick it up to reset it. Perhaps the inventory was, indeed, full. I will pay more attention next time. Thanks for the information !
edit : I checked an early save an the constructron was not full (half way full at maximum). I empty it anyway but still don't want to move. I also tried to remove the robotport and robot inside the constructron : no effect. Removing the constructron service station : no effect.

What version of Factorio are you playing?

The lastest at that time. Both my game and my mods were up to date.

3 years ago

This is fixed in v1.0.1.

3 years ago

Thanks ! My current playthrought can't support constructron anymore but I will definitively give it an other try on my next one ! Thanks for your awesome work !