Configurable Armour & Suits

by Sgamez

Configurable Armours & Suits currently supports: Bob's, Custom Power Armor Fix, Exotic Industries FE-Equipment, Hiladdar's Gear K2, Nullius, Power Armor MK3, Power&Armor, Power Armour Replacer, Rampand Aresensal, SE,

8 days ago
1.1 - 2.0
Armor Cheats

i [Done] Customize Inventory Size Bonus

2 years ago

Feature Request to add Customize Inventory Size Bonus.

Thanks you for the consideration.

2 years ago

Hi yea. Thanks for the suggestion. If to any help i personaly use these mods here:

2 years ago

I use QoL Research but it has a flat bonus.

I was hoping for incremental bonuses for each armor type.

2 years ago

may i ask what setting u are using ?

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

In the QoL mod I have the 'Inventory Size Bonus' set at 100. I also use the mod Power Armor MK3 and have all setting's at default.

As for my feature request I would like to request to be able to assign a inventory size to each armor in the CAS mod.

2 years ago

In the QoL mod I have the 'Inventory Size Bonus' set at 100. I also use the mod Power Armor MK3 and have all setting's at default.

Ok. i use the multiplier and the bonus is set to "0" So when i do research it goes higher from that. As from what i know is the bonus only adds slots right there and then noting else. So maybe using the multiplier will be better for now.

As for my feature request I would like to request to be able to assign a inventory size to each armour in the CAS mod.

As for doing this i will have to figure out a way to start tho i do plan to add this. Since u are the second person suggesting it. thanks again.

2 years ago

In the QoL mod I have the 'Inventory Size Bonus' set at 100. I also use the mod Power Armor MK3 and have all setting's at default.

tho also that would maybe be something that mod would add and i have to work with compatibility from what they do tho I'll see what i can do :)

2 years ago

Just to let u know the idea are currently WIP.

2 years ago

Just to let u know the idea are currently WIP.

Awesome! Thank you.

2 years ago

Try V 0.2.0 hope u like it :)

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

It works great!

Thank you for taking the time to implement this feature.

2 years ago

your welcom