Overhaul of Factorio's Combat Robots behaviour to make them more useful by automatically attacking enemies.
Small changes concerning balance, gameplay, or graphics.
Version: 2.1.22 Date: 06.12.2024 Changes: - Added the empty Layers due pathfinding issues again
Version: 2.1.21 Date: 04.12.2024 Changes: - Removed the lack of collision layers from the combat robots. They are now vulnerable to demolishers attacks. Bugfixes: - Fixed Issue with the Clean command
Version: 2.1.20 Date: 21.11.2024 Bugfixes: - Removed "player-creation" from spider leg to remove the blue squares
Version: 2.1.19 Date: 20.11.2024 Bugfixes: - Restored Destroyer damage back to 20 - Disabled Vanilla robot recipes that were active in game
Version: 2.1.18 Date: 20.11.2024 Changes: - Fixed Vanilla Robots receipes showing despite being disabled - Cleaned up Factoriopedia Bugfixes: - Robots do not create ghosts upon death anymore
Version: 2.1.17 Date: 10.11.2024 Changes: - Quality now applies to combat robots - Added custom command that cleans invalid data. Used by entering /clean_invalid_data in console - Adjusted the recipes slightly - Active-defense-equipment of destroyer and defender units replaced with guns due quality Bugfixes: - Fixed a bug where the segments of a demolisher caused the game to crash.
Version: 2.1.16 Date: 05.11.2024 Changes: - Replaced destroyer prerequisite from follower-robot-count-4 with defender - Replaced destroyer prerequisite in electric-weapons-damage-1 with defender
Version: 2.1.15 Date: 02.11.2024 Bugfixes: - Fixed Crash when selecting destroyer & destroyer units with blueprint item by making them not blueprintable - Fixed Crash when playing PvP which caused invalid units to not be removed from the group - Added Migration to 2.1.15
Version: 2.1.14 Date: 29.10.2024 Bugfixes: - Fixed first sprite rendering of defender robot.
Version: 2.1.13 Date: 26.10.2024 Bufifxes: - Fixed Crash when loading Prototype definition
Version: 2.1.12 Date: 25.10.2024 Bugfixes: - When Combat Robots are damaged they show the correct icon in the alert
Version: 2.1.11 Date: 25.10.2024 Bugfixes: - Worms now target combat robots again
Version: 2.1.10 Date: 21.10.2024 Info: - Updated for Factorio 2.0. Changes: - Increased health of Sentry Robots from 100 to 180 to reflect the changes done in Space Age - Added Pentapods and Demolisher to the enemy list
Version: 2.1.9 Date: 02.01.2023 Compatibility: - Fixed an issue with space exploration which caused the game to crash when landing a spaceship. Unfortunatly, due to the workings of space exploration, all combat robots will be removed upon landing. Interfaces: - Added a interface which returns the targetList. To get the list, use e.g. remote.call("combat-robot-overhaul", "get_targetList", surface_index = 1). Surface_index can be omitted to get the list for all surfaces.
Version: 2.1.8 Date: 29.11.2022 Bugfixes: - Fixed an issue which caused the key-shortcut to not work Changes: - Defender Units now incorporate social distance from the players again - Default social distance is now set to 0 (so the player is in the middle)
Version: 2.1.7 Date: 19.11.2022 Changes: - Removed some non-essential code
Version: 2.1.6 Date: 17.11.2022 Changes: - Fixed a bug which caused the game to crash when the player died right before the combat robot could spawn
Version: 2.1.5 Date: 16.11.2022 Changes: - Undid a change which caused the game to crash when the defender units attempted to defend something
Version: 2.1.4 Date: 12.11.2022 Changes: - Fixed Bug which caused projectiles to vanish when spawning capsules in short order - Combat Robots will now spawn directly when flying with a jeptack. This is done to prevent a crash which happens when the player is damaged right after he has thrown a capsule but the entity hasn't spawned yet.
Version: 2.1.3 Date: 25.10.2022 Changes: - Hopefully decreased the load time when deleting a lot of chunks
Version: 2.1.2 Date: 30.08.2022 Changes: - Fixed an issue which caused units to not target nearest enemies while traveling - Changed the name of walls in exclude settings to stone-walls so defender-units don't defend them
Version: 2.1.1 Date: 10.08.2022 Changes: - Fixed a bug which caused defender units to not defend the base
Version: 2.1.0 Date: 03.08.2022 Changes: - Balanced the speed of defender units when attacking so they don't overshoot their target all the time - Hopefully fixed a bug where destoryer units got stuck for a long time and were destroyed one by one - Adjusted the destroyer units behaviour so they spread out more and don't clump together - Fixed bug where thrown capsules weren't counted towards the overall combatrobot follower count, thus allowing to have more bots than the limit - Increased performance when scanning area with lots of biter nests
Version: 2.0.10 Date: 26.07.2022 Changes: - Registered worms and nests via game script so they are removed from the target list if another mods replaces or destroys them
Version: 2.0.9 Date: 05.12.2021 Changes: - Disabled the corpse parameter on destroyer and defender units which led to the creation of two corpses for one unit - Thanks to Gelion17 the mod now has russian localization.
Version: 2.0.8 Date: 24.11.2021 Changes: - Fixed a bug which occured when the base was attacked by invalid entities
Version: 2.0.7 Date: 17.11.2021 Changes: - Fixed a Bug which caused the game to crash when all destroyer untis were destroyed - Changed the reference for maximum_following_robot_count from the global force to the player force
Version: 2.0.6 Date: 16.11.2021 Changes: - Fixed Bug which caused the game to crash when all defender units were destroyed
Version: 2.0.5 Date: 31.10.2021 Changes: - Fixed Bug where Sentry Units didn't do any on_entity_damaged - Changed the base defense code of defender-units to make it more similar to the behavior of destroyer units - Changed the move_to_target offset to a random number between -10 and 10 instead of the distance between group_position and unit - Cleaned up Code
Version: 2.0.4 Date: 15.10.2021 Changes: - Replaced the Destroyer Unit prototypes with Spider Vehicle to improve the pathfinding and combat mechanics of the destroyer unit - Changed the attack as well as the defeding behaviour of destroyer and defender units
Version: 2.0.3 Date: ???? Changes: - Removed the "destroyer" prerequisite from Follower-Robot-Count-5
Version: 2.0.2 Date: ???? Changes: - Fixed Crash on_entity_damaged
Version: 2.0.1 Date: 07.09.2021 Changes: - Changed Defender Units from Type "Unit" to "Spider Vehicle" - Overhauled the entire code base - Added Surface filters to targetList as well as Unit Groups (This should make it compatible with mods who change the surface like Space Exploration" - Added Compability Patch for "Industrial Revolution 2" and "Un-Minable Bots"
Version: 1.0.9 Date: 30.08.2021 Changes: - Fixed Issue with invalid unitgroup on various occasions
Version: 1.0.8 Date: 23.06.2021 Changes: - Removed Destroyer Capsule from prequiste for max-follower-update-5 - Fixed Crash when moving backwards in crash - Fixed Crash when deploying new units when previous group was pdestroyed
Version: 1.0.7 Date: 29.04.2021 Changes: - Fixed Issue with the defense Exlusion List
Version: 1.0.6 Date: 20.04.2021 Changes: - Fixed Issue when mining defender units
Version: 1.0.5 Date: 20.04.2021 Changes: - Changed the vision distance & attack range of destroyer unit.
Version: 1.0.4 Date: 19.04.2021 Changes: - Fixed crash when mining units.
Version: 1.0.3 Date: 18.04.2021 Changes: - Fixed missing unit sounds.
Version: 1.0.2 Date: 17.04.2021 Changes: - Fixed issue with defender and sentry units not attacking - Fixed issue with event filter not working properly
Version: 1.0.1 Date: 16.04.2021 Changes: - Initial Release