Cities Of Earth 3

by hyspeed

A Factorio mod that uses maps of Earth for world generation. Choose from different world layouts. The world size can be set at startup but does not tile or repeat. * Optional: Teleporters at each city provide fast movement across the world. * Optional: "Pre-Place Silo". The Rocket Silo will be built at map creation and cannot be crafted by players. * Optional: "Team Co-op". Each city is a team, players can build a factory to launch from their Silo.

3 months ago
Transportation Environment

g Iceland

2 months ago


You are missing Iceland as a selectable country, Reykjavík is a city.

I want to play 1:1 on Iceland :D

2 months ago


I apologize, but I don't plan to add any more cities or maps to the mod.
You are welcome to add this for your play-through. The mod has data files that allow you to edit them and add locations.
Note that Factorio has minimum size limits for the map. So if the data is not enough, it will not render. For example, I cannot do Great Britain - too small.


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