Cities Of Earth 3

by hyspeed

A Factorio mod that uses maps of Earth for world generation. Choose from different world layouts. The world size can be set at startup but does not tile or repeat. * Optional: Teleporters at each city provide fast movement across the world. * Optional: "Pre-Place Silo". The Rocket Silo will be built at map creation and cannot be crafted by players. * Optional: "Team Co-op". Each city is a team, players can build a factory to launch from their Silo.

5 months ago
Transportation Environment

b Mod setting biters to peaceful mode

1 year, 9 months ago

It seems like there is an issue where biters are always being set to peaceful in the current version.

1 year, 9 months ago

I will check that - I think I know the source.

1 year, 9 months ago

I have updated to v1.6.6 that should fix that. :/

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