Circuit HUD

by feupeu

Allows you to track circuit signals on the player HUD

3 years ago
Circuit network

g High UPS penalty on expanded GUI.

3 years ago

Mod takes 1ms when GUI is expanded compares to 0ms when collapsed, which is around 3fps for me just as a penalty of having HUD open. I suspect the mod redraws GUI on every tick, because there's nothing else it does on tick. Other similar HUD/GUI mods have no overhead.

3 years ago


I have forked this mod to and have solved the many performance issues! Please give it a try and let me know if it works

3 years ago

Hey, I've actually forked it locally long time ago and also fixed performance issues together with some UI fixes.
I would suggest you work on UI customization (like column/rows), it's biggest mod weakness.

3 years ago

Yes, that was my biggest annoyance as well which I have fixed and made configurable in my version!

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