Circuit HUD

by feupeu

Allows you to track circuit signals on the player HUD

3 years ago
Circuit network

b Desync

Desync when joining a multiplayer game.

3 years ago

Desync when joining a multiplayer game.

Desync seems to be caused by 4 global variables.
I edited the file "control.lua" and added those variables to the global table.
To do this just replace (search and replace all) these 4 variables in the file:
- "did_initial_render" => "global.did_initial_render"
- "toggle_button" => "global.toggle_button"
- "reposition_button" => "global.reposition_button"
- "did_cleanup_and_discovery" => "global.did_cleanup_and_discovery"

Then you need to replace the initialization of the variables:
- "local global.did_initial_render" => "global.did_initial_render"
- "local global.toggle_button" => "global.toggle_button"
- "local global.reposition_button" => "global.reposition_button"
- "local global.did_cleanup_and_discovery" => "global.did_cleanup_and_discovery"

And then share the new .zip with your friends and enjoy this awesome mod together ;-)
Maybe feupeu can update his mod here so you don't need to share the edited .zip with others.

3 years ago

@Ravage666, @Emslandfalke and @boskid

I have forked this mod and made my own version, with the fix above included.


New response