Thermal Solar Power deprecated

Adds the ability to build an early to mid game thermal solar complex with built-in energy storage for the night with varied features.

4 years ago
0.16 - 0.18

b Heat Exchangers don't produce steam at 165 (in 0.17) (solved)

5 years ago

Hi, I'm trying out this mod and I've noticed that my heat exchangers don't produce steam at 165 degrees, like the description says they should. Instead they're producing heat at around 500, which needs a lot more solar panels.

Also, the basic heat pipes seem to waste a vast amount of heat, is this intended?

5 years ago

Ok the boilers is broken in 0.17, I will fix it soon as I can. The basic heat pipes is very week because is intended for early game, I agree with you that need a little balance boost compared with the vanilla heat pipe but the mod is of CyberWizard2261, he choose the stats

5 years ago

I think I solved the problem, let me know if work

5 years ago

Hmm, at the moment something seems even weirder. I have some heat exchanger 3's hooked up to solar thermal panels. The panel array is at around 700 degrees, the heat exchanger is stuck at 400 degrees, but it's producing steam with a temperature of 500 degrees rather than the expected 335 degrees.

5 years ago

I have tested now all heat exchangers and seems working how expected. I have set a little higher max temperature than the working temperature, it's why they will stuck on 400, but now the steam temperature will be correct (0.2.7)

5 years ago

Seems to work now yeah, thanks!

5 years ago

Thank to you for the report and testing. Remember to use the vanilla heat pipe for have more efficiency

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