Thermal Solar Power deprecated

Adds the ability to build an early to mid game thermal solar complex with built-in energy storage for the night with varied features.

4 years ago
0.16 - 0.18
6 years ago
Latest Version:
0.2.16 (4 years ago)
Factorio version:
0.16 - 0.18
Downloaded by:
42 users

Key Concept\Short Description

This mod adds the ability to build an early to mid game thermal solar complex with built-in energy storage for the night and other features.


What adds the mod now?

  • 4 Thermal solar panels that produce heat instead of energy

  • 3 Heat storages based on molten-salt technology

  • 1 Salt evaporation pond to create salt for Heat storages

  • 3 New steam turbines for mid game

  • 3 New basic heat exchangers for mid-game (not intended for nuclear power use)

  • A cheaper thermal conduit for early game

  • Translated in English, German and Italian

  • Settings (disactivable new steam turbines recipes and heat exchangers recipes )

Planned features (in release order):

  • 1.Place all mod's items on a separate category in the various recipe tabs
  • 2.Add new solar power tower
  • ?.New sprites, texture
  • ?.Thermal solar panel entity union based on concept Modular Buildings for saving ups

Ideas to approve:

  • Underground thermal conduit (cheaper and/or vanilla)
  • Add new heated plate trap, maybe some overheated metal plates could burn some alien's foots

Ideas that will be NOT implemented (don't ask these things):

  • Heated Furnaces
  • Settings for customizing heat gain from heat sources


Artist, we want you!

This mod needs better textures and we haven't an artist, all help is welcome. For more information ask in the discussion tab.


If you want to translate the mod in your language, it's easy, open the mod with any zip viewer, WinRAR, 7-Zip blabla... go in
locale/en/en.cfg and translate the strings on the right of each equal in the file and post it in the discussion tab, after appropriate checks that is not a joke, we will add it to the mod.

A wild bug appears!

If playing you find one or more bug, please post it on discussion tab, but if you will do it, try to be as precise as you can: what's up, how to replicate bugs, with what other mods you were playing when that happens... more details, more chances to resolve the bugs. Thank you a lot in any case.

if you have discord you can find me on this channel