Thermal Solar Power

Adds the ability to build an early to mid game thermal solar complex with built-in energy storage for the night with varied features.

4 years ago
0.16 - 0.18

b Got folder ver. 0.2.1 in 0.2.3 download (solved)

5 years ago

Got folder named CW-thermal-solar-power_0.2.1 in CW-thermal-solar-power_0.2.3 download, crashed on startup until I fixed it. Maybe people not getting it because I unzip my mods?

5 years ago

After fixing the folder name, I got a crash later on in startup
"65.165 Created atlas bitmap 1744x1608 [no-crop, trilinear-filtering, icon, light]
"65.166 Error Util.cpp:49: No pictures to put in atlas."

Associated with this mod because reverting to 0.2.0 fixed it.

Linver β˜†
5 years ago

If u use the mod in the zip u will not got the bug, factorio mods is not intended for be unzipped, anyway in the next version I will update name of folder

Linver β˜†
5 years ago

I have update the folder in the 0.17 start version

5 years ago

I wish modders would continue to support their 0.16 versions, especially with big and simple bugs like this. Please fix the 0.16 version as well, as I won't be modding 0.17 at least until it is stable. Actually, I'm disappointed enough in 0.17 that I might skip it entirely.

Linver β˜†
5 years ago

I have re-uploaded the latest 0.16 version with folder renamed correctly

New response