Thermal Solar Power deprecated

Adds the ability to build an early to mid game thermal solar complex with built-in energy storage for the night with varied features.

4 years ago
0.16 - 0.18

i Next updates and proposals

6 years ago

CyberWizard2261, I have placed in the information tab this possibile feature:
- New texture
- Place all mod's items on a separate category in the various recipe tabs
- Customizable settings (disattivable new steam turbines recipe and/or customizable thermal solar pannel heat gain)
- Underground thermal conduit (cheaper and/or vanilla)
- Thermal solar pannel entity union based on concept Modular Buildings for save ups
- Add new solar power tower
- Add new miscibility gap technology and new heat storages more powerfull or for replace some existing tiers
- Add new heated plate trap, maybe some overheated metal plates could burn some alien's foots

I'm a student of computer science at university, and I have some software experience, if u like some of one of this ideas maybe I could help u to implements it

6 years ago

New Texture: It would be great!
Customizable settings: can be done and is relatively easy but I don't think it's necessary now
Underground thermal conduit: It would be nice but, there's nothing similar to this in Factorio we would have to code it from scratch and the LUA code to do this would probably consume a lot of CPU power

Thermal solar panel entity union, and solar tower: What exactly are you thinking? I'm open to new ideas if they are not too hard to code

More powerful heat storages: My heat storages are already quite powerful, way more than vanilla accumulators and steam filled storage tanks, their disadvantage is the long warm-up time but once it's hot can even be used in a nuclear setup

heated plate trap: Great Idea!!!! I don't know if laser turrets can be modded to work with heat energy source but if they do it will be easy to make
If they don't work on heat now they probably will on 0.17 I heard new energy sources are coming soon

6 years ago

First of all, tell me on what I can work (what u approve) and I will start doing it, (maybe I can do a github repository where u can visualize the code on develop and/or work with me)

For other:

New Texture: I'm working on, when i create something of good I will show it to u

Customizable settings:
I think that for two reason, first, I manually change the X variable:
control.lua line 62:
panel.temperature = panel.temperature + X*(0.85 - panel.surface.darkness)
because in a game I will try to do a mod pack pollution free, and I buff it a bit,
but I suppose that u had create an increment factor in the code that u use for increase heat every tick, maybe if someone want change it for his purpose, he can't without know coding

second, the possibility to disable the new steam turbines, why if someone play with other mods, like bob's power or other that have a lot of similar items, we can give the possibility to reduce redundant object.

Underground thermal conduit:
If u like it I will try studing how could be possible

Thermal solar panel entity union:
Look this mod, Modular building of staplergun.
This guy do a mod that when 2 object of same type is connected the game transform that in a single entity, when the game must update that object there's less entity in the game.
I think that we can do the same of a group of solar pannel placed one next to other, maybe with a defined group, like 2x2, 3x3... and the mod must update less object. We have that mod like a base example and maybe if the code is good we can adapt to our needs.

Solar tower:
I mean this
I think isn't very difficult to doing, we can use the concept of proximity bonus of nuclear reactor, and create only heat that can be used like user prefer, but first of all if u like it i will work primary on the texture that missing

More powerful heat storages: Sorry if I was inaccurate, I don't mean to add a more powerful storage, but I know that exist a heat storage not created by salt but with a advance alloy, maybe try to create that alloy instead doing the storage only with salt could be add some gameplay to the mod.

Heated plate trap: I am pleased that u appreciate, I think a group of large plate like cement (that aliens will not focus) but when the aliens pass over it, inflict very low damage (scaling on temperature) over time, not enough for killing alien alone but helping doing it. I will look if there's something similar or I will study how do it.

Place all mod's items on a separate category in the various recipe tabs?

6 years ago

Solar Tower: Solarthermal Energy already does this. It's solalthermal pannels get a neighbor bonus on production. I use that mod at or near endgame and this one mid.

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

Thank you for your feedback DTSephiroth, if CyberWizard2261 wants implent that we can look that mod for get ideas.

6 years ago

CyberWizard2261, I finished something about sprites, look if u like it:

And I have create a logo for the mod, I dunno if u want use it:

6 years ago

Modular Buildings: I'm almost sure he detect when a new building is placed then destroy both buildings and place a bigger new one, sure it is possible to do it with the solar panels but maybe it's too much work (and probaly new bugs) for just a little performance gain, but if you really whant to do it go ahead

Place all moded items in a separate category: Go ahead

Customizable settings: I don't like the idea of leting anyone change the heat genereated by the solar panels its like allow cheating but you can disable buildings if you want

Underground thermal conduit: The only way I can think on it is by making 2 "connected" heat pipes and every few ticks transfer heat from 1 to another it will consume some CPU but will allow new ways to build thermal power plants

Solar Tower: I got an Idea! how about we make 2 buildings ?
1 the tower, it will work just like the thermal solar panels but with variable heat gain per second
2 the mirror, it's oly function is point to a solar tower, every time a mirror is built it will point to the nearest tower and increase it's heat gain per second
This way we'll have a quite ups friendly alternative to solar panels and it can be made powerful enough to take the player to the end game

Sprites: Nice panels! They realy look hot!

Logo: Sorry about this but I didn't like it....

6 years ago

Then I will add that sprites.
Ahahah I'm sorry too, I was going for improve the mod presentation on mod portal... if u don't like the logo but not the idea of a logo I can make another.

Customizable settings: Ok I will add the possibility to disable that settings.
Place all modded items in a separate category: Yes sir!

Solar Tower: We are on the same idea!.. the practical implementation could be variable, I will follow u. I will start looking for sprites.

Modular Buildings: I will try hack some code, maybe isn't a priority but if could add a value to your mod...

Underground thermal conduit: Dunno, I supposed doing something on a deep copy of underground belt but I really dunno if is possible, u are more expert than me in factorio modding, maybe after solar tower, that seems more workable

6 years ago

Ok that sounds awesome! And np on the feedback, anything to help the comnunity.

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

I'm working on the Solar Tower I was thinking about making the tower a quite large (5x5 in the base) and expensive building paired with cheap mirrors with a limited (yet large) range so the player will have to think in how to put the maximum possible number of mirrors around a tower and how to convert all that heat into electricity without using too much space near the tower

I'm also thinking in a way to recycle the old panels after you acquire the solar tower what do you think is better, a recipe to recover the panels material or use the panels as an ingredient in the tower?

If you what to send me anything use my e-mail cya

6 years ago

I'm of the mindset of "reduce, reuse, recycle" but that's just my opinion.

5 years ago

When I heard about thermal solar power I actually expected a different concept of those devices - a U-shape mirror with a pipe going along the focus line. I think such crude devices can turn water into steam - a function similar to boilers, but with much lower output which also depends on a day/night cycle. Plus no pollution, of course.
Just an idea of concept, if u like. :)

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