Buggis Nuclear Bots

by Buggi

Nuclear powered robots that don't need to recharge. For easy mega-base building. Optional Death Explosion.

4 months ago
0.17 - 2.0
Logistics Logistic network
5 years ago
Latest Version:
2.0.1 (4 months ago)
Factorio version:
0.17 - 2.0
Downloaded by:
7.36K users

Buggi's Nuclear Bots

2.0.1 - Update
- Added Config option for Cargo and Speed multipliers to vanilla bot values, set to 1 for no boost.
- Added Config option to enable/disable the military targeting of the bots. Disable if you wish to have enemy's ignore the bots. Useful for megabases where biters are getting triggered by the bots and causing lag.

2.0.0 - Updated to Factorio 2.0
- Rebalanced recipes for the bots
- Overhauled all graphics and updated icons (I'm not an artist, so if you want to submit something better please do so!)
- Research Unlock now happens after crafting some Uranium Fuel Cells.

1.0.0 - Now includes a CONFIG option (Settings->Mod Settings) to disable the mini-nuclear explosion when the bots die. Useful when you have the bot attrition mod. This option is enabled by default, so you have to opt-out of the feature if you don't want it.

A quick update to a long-running Nuclear Bots mod for 1.1. Requires vanilla bots to craft these. Simple mod for those glorious recharge-free bots. Great for enormous factories.

1.0.0 Updated with Config Option for nuclear deaths.
0.1.0 Updated to work with Factorio 1.1 (for reals this time), made the bots slightly faster and able to haul slightly more, lowered research cost a bit.
0.0.8 Update to work with Factorio .18
0.0.7 Update fix for mod files.