Plantable & Printable Trees - RampantFix

Rampant(and others) fix by problemlow. Originally by Yes-Man, his description was as follows: Craft and plant (blue-printable) tree saplings that grow into trees, and automate it with the Recursive Blueprints mod. This is an update of 'My Tree Mod' from SamuelCombrinck, which was inspired by 'Simple Saplings' made by hypermark which apparently was a fork of 'JJtJJs Tree Planting Mod'.

1 year, 7 months ago
Combat Environment Fluids Manufacturing

g First sapling I tried to plant froze the game (I use space exploration)

10 months ago

The mod Plantable & Printable Trees - RampantFix (1.2.2) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event Blueprintable-Plantable-Trees-RampantFix::on_built_entity (ID 6)
Blueprintable-Plantable-Trees-RampantFix/control.lua:22: attempt to get length of local 'sapling' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
Blueprintable-Plantable-Trees-RampantFix/control.lua:22: in function 'processEvent'
Blueprintable-Plantable-Trees-RampantFix/control.lua:31: in function <Blueprintable-Plantable-Trees-RampantFix/control.lua:30>

10 months ago

Tried the non-rampantfix version and worked

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