Blueprint Converter

by AdeptX8

Allows you to transfer a blueprint into a request object (requester chest, buffer chest, spidertron or character request slots). Features: 1. Transferring the blueprint to the request object (after copying a blueprint or objects on the map). 2. Disposable requester chest. 3. Backup/restore character request slots (works with blueprints and request objects). 4. Merging request slots. [More details on the page!]

8 months ago
Logistic network Storage Blueprints
Latest version:
Factorio version:
Version Game Version Download Release Date Downloads
0.1.9 1.1 Download 8 months ago 210
0.1.7 1.1 Download 8 months ago 9
0.1.3 1.1 Download 8 months ago 9