
Produce science packs and rocket parts using biological and renewable materials

7 months ago
0.13 - 1.1

g Replacing old recipes?

4 years ago

I picked up the mod cause the other one i was using was dropped. Always liked the idea of alternatives to the usual process of refining and production. Wasnt going to use it as a full overhaul and replacement for the game though. I did notice however that, im assuming from researching some of the technologies, that all of my recipes changed to using this mods versions. This lead to me not being able to do anything since I was very much set up on the base games resources and production.

Is this as intended or is there a way to switch it back?

Normally both versions of the recipe are present. You can select, depending on what crafting tab you are, the old recipe or the new one.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

I wish to say that I'm having what I think is a similar issue. In my current playthrough, I noticed that the new BioTech recipes want to override the old recipes in terms of requirements. What I mean is that, with BioTech recipes unlocked, even if I have all the base game resources needed to craft, say, an electronic (green) circuit, but not enough BioTech materials for the alternate recipe, it won't let me because it claims I don't have enough BioTech ingredients to do so. This then prevents me from automatically crafting the circuits for things like inserters, so I have to manually craft all the intermediates first.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

I can confirm this after you unlock Carbon Processing 3, the recipes change to your version and the player is unable to craft certain things on himself. There seems to be no option to select which version you like to use in the mod settings screen either.

4 years ago

Me and Pi-C figured out to fix the issue, so if anyone is still having issues creating green circuits manually, apply this code to the end of the data-update.lua

New response