Big Bags (more space in bags +longer reach)

Big bags everywhere ! More space in inventory, toolbelt, logistic and trash slots, robots cargo size and speed, bigger stacks & pickstick to increase your picking distance...

3 years ago
0.13 - 1.1

b Incomatible with Zooming Reinvented

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)


I had an issue raised with my "Zooming Reinvented" mod. When both mods are enabled, the error message says that binoculars added by my mod should have stack_size 1 when they have stackable false, but this is already the cause, so I am not quite sure what I can do...

Best wishes,

PS I can reproduce the issue. On game start the game wants to disable both our mods, and our mods only.

New response