I enabled the mod mid-way through a game, and had disabled it previously, before an event happened.
I have gotten text that something would happen: "Everything around you begins to sway. Something very large moved the ground. Stay alert!" and "The ground is shaking and strange noises are coming from your feet..." However, nothing has happened. I also did get a wave of biters, which proceeded normally. For the other two messages, I ran away and waited a bit, then returned to my business. For a sense of distance, where I was when I got the message was still visible in the very corner of the minimap. Not 100 chunks away, just away enough from my base that if something spawned it wouldn't destroy anything and I could still run in any direction.
I'll add I did have Biterzilla disabled (which I thought might've been why the 'sway' message spawned nothing, so I re-enabled it). That was a dumb unrelated thing, I was hoping disabling Biterzilla would've turned off the biter waves since they were nothing but grief at the beginning. Didn't turn it back on until after the first message spawned nothing.