
BetterTemporaryTrainStops is a factorio mod. The aim of this mod is a) to change the waiting conditions of temporary stops in trains and b) to provide you with the function of ordering your personal train to the nearest platform. The mod is also focused on being multiplayer friendly.

2 years ago
Transportation Trains
2 years ago
Latest Version:
1.0.0 (2 years ago)
Factorio version:
Downloaded by:
156 users



BetterTemporaryTrainStops is a factorio mod. The aim of this mod is a) to change
the waiting conditions of temporary stops in trains and b) to provide you with
the function of ordering your personal train to the nearest platform. The mod is
also focused on being multiplayer friendly.

This mod was inspired by the
QoL-TempStations mod which
unfortunately has not been updated and does not work in multiplayer.

Language and Translations

This mod was translated into English and German. If you want to add your
language, please open a pull request (with the translation of locale.cfg) and
I will add it in the next update.


First of all, after installing the mod, you should set up a train as a personal
train. To do this, simply take a train of your choice (preferably a separate
train so that you don't disturb your logistics network) and press the "Call your
personal train" shortcut button. (If you can't see the shortcut button, you have
to activate it in the menu first.)

If you have done everything correctly, there is also a notification in the chat
that everything has worked.

Now you can, if you want, set the departure conditions for temporary stations.
To do this, get back into your personal train and set all the conditions you
want in the currently selected next stop.

When you are done press the "Call your personal train" shortcut button again.
You should then receive another message that everything worked.

If you now make a temporary stop with your train in the future, these holding
conditions will be set automatically. Please note that for reasons of
performance and compatibility, the holding conditions are only changed shortly
before arrival.

To call a train, just stand near a rail (the search radius can be changed in the
settings) and press the "Call your personal train" shortcut button. You should
receive a message to which rail exactly the train will be sent if everything has

And as a little appendix: The whole thing also works with trains that are in
manual mode (these are then set to automatic mode) and also with normal freight
trains with other stops (the temporary stop is then set with the highest