Belt Upgrader

by Mylon

Roboports automatically upgrade belts, splitters, underground belts, inserters, and assemblers within their reach.

2 months ago
0.14 - 2.0
Logistics Logistic network

g Gui Interface

1 year, 9 months ago

Rather than having a text disable for the long item name (that may not always be obvious with mods) can we get a gui interface that works like the upgrade planner?

My suggestion would be
Each row would have a series of slots ...< space < ...
You can select any item for any slot in a free row, the rest of the items in that row would then only be the things that can replace that item
Every time you add something to a slot it expands to get a new slot at either end of the row so long as there are possible items in that series
Every time you add something to a row you get a new row so long as there are items that have not been put in slots
Items would update from the lowest version (left most) to the highest version (right most) that's available in the logistic network
If a player wants something disabled they simply don't include it in an upgrade path
If a player wants to downgrade something automatically they can arrange that too
If there are mods or items that are not configured/compatible with your mod as you don't look for them specifically and they're available in the upgrade planner players can still configure an auto-upgrade path for them (say solar or accumulators or labs or rocket silos)

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