Belt Upgrader

by Mylon

Roboports automatically upgrade belts, splitters, underground belts, inserters, and assemblers within their reach.

a month ago
0.14 - 2.0
Logistics Logistic network

b Robot not placing belts

7 years ago

At first the mod worked, i tested it with 3 belts hand crafted and it placed all 3 randomly. So i setup automation and now the robots will just hover on top of the belt they want to replace for a very long time which means upgrading even a small base could take hours.... Seen a couple posts about this but no real interest or resolution... Will this get fixed?

7 years ago

Same issue. Please fix this, Mylon, it makes this mod near unusable.

6 years ago

It's been working mostly fine for me, although I have noticed this problem too when it comes to assembling machines. It worked fine for inserters and conveyors although I think it struggles to replace entities with items in their inventory i.e assembling machines or conveyors with items on because removing the old machine immediately let the robot place the current one. This is just a theory I didn't make the mod but from observation I'm pretty sure the robots deconstruct the item underneath and then replace it with the one they're holding - normally deconstructing an entity with items in the inventory (or a belt with items on) moves the inventory to the deconstructor (can be seen when using the deconstruction planner, multiple robots will first remove the inventory then the entity) so maybe that's a reason why said problem is happening idk it's not up to me to make suggestions for fixes tho.

6 years ago

I'm having this same problem with my assemblers. The robot just hovers over the assembler forever without doing anything... except leaving and coming back after recharging

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

I found a bug preventing assemblers from being placed. Should be fixed now. Any assemblers not being replaced will continue to tie up bots, but any new upgrade requests should work properly.

New response