Automatic Train Painter

Automatically colors locomotives and wagons based on their contents.

4 months ago
0.17 - 2.0
6 years ago
Latest Version:
2.0.1 (4 months ago)
Factorio version:
0.17 - 2.0
Downloaded by:
102K users


Trains will automatically be colored, based on the contents of their inventory, as soon as they begin to move in Automatic Mode.

  • Note: this requires the "Use destination train stop color" checkbox in the locomotive GUI to be unticked, otherwise the train will follow the new built-in destination stop coloring behavior.

Item colors are based on their icons, while fluid colors are based on their appearance in pipes, storage tanks, and barrels. If a train's inventory contains multiple entities, their colors will be blended proportionally to the quantity† of each entity present.

Thanks to Xterminator for the Mod Spotlight video!

List of supported mods


  • Paint locomotives. It is [ON] by default. When turned off, previously painted locomotives will remain painted in their respective colors.
  • Paint cargo and/or fluid wagons. The latter works only if using a mod like Fluid Wagon Color Mask.§ They are [OFF] by default. Turning these functions off after having already painted wagons will cause them to return to default colors after stopping and starting again in Automatic Mode.
  • Unpaint empty trains. This will set the locomotives of an empty train and its wagons to their default colors. It is [ON] by default.
  • Unpainted locomotive color. The default color for an unpainted locomotive, it can be any 3- or 6-digit hexadecimal number. Default is E4D1C7, original red is EA1100.
  • Unpainted cargo wagon color. The default color for an unpainted cargo wagon, it can be any 3- or 6-digit hexadecimal number. Default is 6D3A00.
  • Unpainted fluid wagon color. The default color for an unpainted fluid wagon, it can be any 3- or 6-digit hexadecimal number. Default is C8C8C8.
  • Enable/input custom colors. See the FAQ page for more details.

Other Features:

  • Locomotive Equipment Grid: an unused feature of vanilla Factorio, this can now be enabled for locomotives via a Startup mod setting. By default a 2x4 grid large enough to fit a pair of 2x2 equipment modules (e.g., FARL and/or Shuttle Train) simultaneously, it can be extended to 16x16 if desired.
  • Manual Color Module: an inexpensive 2x2 equipment item that can be placed in the locomotive Equipment Grid. Trains with this item present will not be automatically painted, and will have manual colors preserved. It is researched with Automated Rail Transportation and costs 1 Electronic Circuit. It also provides 1 W of bonus power to the train, for reasons.

  • Station painting is not included, but can be done via the Automatic Station Painter mod. Thanks to doktorstick for creating this functionality as a standalone mod!

Planned features/improvements:

  • Additional colors for entities. All vanilla entities are included. The FAQ page contains the list of supported mods. Existing colors will be reviewed and updated periodically if sprite icons are changed. For other mods with new entities, make a request on the discussion page and I'll put them on the list.

Recommended Companion Mods:

† - In order to keep the color of mixed cargo and fluid trains from being dominated by fluids due to their 25k fluid wagon capacity versus (typically) 2k-8k cargo wagons, the quantity of fluid is reduced during color calculation by a factor of 10. This is equivalent to cargo with a stack size of 125.

§ - Mods that employ their own fluid wagon coloring systems may experience various issues with automatic painting, including slight color mismatch and translucency.

Originally built upon Train Ore Color by Sirenfal.