Auto Deconstruct

by mindmix

This mod marks drills that have no more resources to mine for deconstruction.

4 months ago
0.13 - 2.0

g [Implemented] Auto Deconstruct beacons with no effect sources

8 years ago

I'd like to reclaim my beacons too! How hard would it be to add this as a feature? I looked into the lua and have no idea what I'm doing...

2 years ago

It seems I am not the only one missing this feature.

Can we add this as a feature please?

Even though it's not that common, some people do beaconed mining.
Beaconed mining is e.g. usefull when doing low pollution runs.

So the feature request is:
When de-constructing a miner that is effected by a beacon, to also check the beacons affecting it whether they will have no (or only marked to be de-constructed) miners as target afterwards.
In that case, also marking the beacon for de-construction would be great.

Since beacons are real power hogs, this is really helpful.

Thank you very much and best regards,


2 years ago


8 months ago

I really think this would be overstepping the bounds of this mod. Removing miners is great, removing boxes/pipes is better, anything more than that should be a different mod. This seems like it would be a beacon auto-deconstruct mod where if a beacon affects nothing, then its marked for deconstruction.

8 months ago

I think it's not unreasonable for this mod to remove beacons if this mod is removing the last effect target of the beacon. It would add another search radius for every deconstruction. Added to the list of features I'll work on if I get time, or will review pull requests for if someone else makes it.

8 months ago

It wouldn't be easy enough to have a separate mod for it. Maybe someone who has the time should fork this one and do it? :)

8 months ago

I'm not opposed to someone forking but I don't think auto-beacon-removal would be useful without auto miner removal. How would it know that you're not in the middle of building something? The auto belt-trimming feature request is still outstanding as well, and definitely something I would like to use myself when I get time to make it.

8 months ago

Turns out the beacon removal feature was extremely easy to add. I'll be releasing it soon. I also added the feature where it waits until the chest or immediate output belt is empty (within a time limit) before deconstructing the drill.

After that was done, I spent a couple days on the belt trimming tool. I ended up with a pretty greedy algorithm that will remove everything down to your train or furnace-loading inserters if all the drills are gone. The only feature left now is to make it wait until most of the ore has flushed out of the belt network before deleting it, because otherwise there can be a lot of ore left for the construction bots. Anyone have any thoughts on the behavior?

8 months ago

This feature update is now live! The beacon removal code will enable when you update and will only remove beacons that were affecting the removed drill.

The belt feature must be enabled in the settings before it takes effect. It might do strange things because there's lots of edge cases and I haven't tested all of them. Post screenshots if you find a situation where it does something unexpected!

New response