Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, Explosives, Lasers, Plasmas and Nukes (ATFELPN)

Manufacture the titular items for self-defense, recreational or money-making purposes. Trade manufactured weapons and items for resources. Compatible with Bob's ores and metals (Actually not for now as Bob's mods haven't updated to 2.0 yet.)

2 months ago
1.1 - 2.0
Combat Manufacturing


V2.0.6 (1/12/2025)
- RCW, Plasma and Swatt turrets now cover 360 degrees.

V2.0.5 (1/11/2025)
- Lowered energy cost of M25 plasma turret.
- Turret energy adjustments.
- All 3 sets of power armors can now fly if Space Age DLC is enabled. I will change their texture to Mech Armor later.
- Known issues are not fixed yet.

V2.0.4 (12/22/2024)
- Cheapened Grenade Turret MK2's recipe - Now it requires futuristic receiver and barrel instead of a War Machine GL.
- Killerwatt now properly stuns enemeis.
- Known issue: Killerwatt invisible beam sprites. (Not fixed, looking into)
- Known issue: Remote Market's sprite is invisible and cannot trade. (Not fixed, looking into)

V2.0.3 (12/15/2024)
- Removed Tesla Turrets in favor of the Space Age variant
- Fixed RC Car's graphics
- Fixed some localisation keys being named incorrectly
- Fixed productivity for some ammo types
- Fixed Grenade Turret MK2 recipe result

V2.0.2 (12/15/2024)
- Uncommented & re-added lines that add damage boosts from research.

V2.0.1 (12/13/2024)
- Cheapened recipes - synthesize wood, 40mm HE and incendiary grenades, primers.
- Locale fixes.

V2.0.0 (12/8/2024)
- Update to work with Factorio 2.0.
- Research cost adjustment.
- Rate of fire nerf to M79 and M32 grenade launchers.

v1.1.38 (12/10/2023)
- Killerwatt damage nerfed (150 -> 100)
- Projectiles tweaked again
- GAU sound effect adjustment (was very loud and annoying)
- Vanilla recipes: Futuristic Receiver and Futuristic Barrel now require Low Density Structures instead of steel.

V1.1.37 (12/9/2023)
- Projectile speed and graphics tweaked for various weapons.
- New sound effect for War Machine and Grenade Turrets MK2 (from MK19 GL in real life) and they shoot faster.
- Laser RCW now locks onto enemies rather than the ground they stand on.
- GAU Turrets now shoot twice as fast.

V1.1.36 (12/8/2023)
- Changed Gold Bullion to Gold Bullions.
- Fixed an error in base game startup.
- It is now possible to produce gold bullions and gems from the chemical plant without other mods.

V1.1.35 (12/7/2023)
- Refined the Remote Market's sprite.
- Projectile adjustments for 20mm, 5.56, 7.62 NATO and energy weapons.
- Sound adjustments.
- Fixed invisible tesla turrets.

V1.1.34 (12/6/2023)
- Power Armors resistances buffed.
- Power Armors recipes changed to use fusion batteries instead of uranium fuel cells.
- Added a Remote Market and related research. Trading is now done through the market.
- Gold bullions and gems available for trading if you have either Bob or Industrial Revolution.

V1.1.33 (12/5/2023)
- Power Armor character model fixed.
- Recipe and tech changes to the power armors.
- Research pack cost adjustments.

V1.1.32 (12/5/2023)
- Rotatory guns and energy weapons are now direct-hit instead of targeting the ground.
- Turrets' damage buffed.
- New Technology: Advanced Power Armor 1 and 2.
- APA techs unlock the new sets of power armor - Tesla, Hellfire and Eliminator.
- Change of certain sound effects.
- Some weapons' and Ammo's damage buffed.

V1.1.31 (12/4/2023)
- Sellable Ammo Box crafting adjustment. Most of them are now cheaper to make.
- Localization fixes.
- Turrets now have damage resistance.
- RCXD and RCND are now fire-proof and acid-proof. They should target spawners first (need more testing.)

V1.1.30 (12/3/2023)
- Balance adjustment: Grenade Turret MK1 and MK2 rate of fire nerfed.
- Gunpowder recipes adjustment: the recipe without sulfur outputs 5, the one with sulfur outputs 10.
- STG44 firing sound volume increased.
- Futuristic weapons range and mobility buffed.
- Greatly reduced the number of guns needed to craft sellable gun boxes.
- Added a recipe to synthesize wood from heavy oil.

V1.1.29 (11/28/2023)
- Added Industrial Revolution 3 compatibility

V1.1.28 (11/8/2021)
- Fixed a crash caused by non-existing rate of fire research.

Recipe changes:
- Allowed productivity modules in components, ammo and drones recipes. (Minor issue: still unable to use Yuoki's productivity modules.)
- Separated stone to cinnabar and stone to nitrate recipes.
- Selling boxes can no longer be done by hand to avoid unwanted crafting.

V1.1.26 (10/5/2021)
Combat changes:
- Damage buffs to tesla turrets, 40mm grenades, RC-XD, phased plasma, fusion laser, helios plasma, and killerwatt beam.
Recipe changes:
- RC-XD recipe no longer requires an engine unit. Instead, it now uses a green circuit.

V1.1.25 (9/27/2021)
Recipe changes:
- Laser RCW now requires 2 super capacitors.
- M25 plasma rifle now requires 1 plasma heater.
Tech changes:
- Polymer Gun Parts tech no longer requires chemical science packs.
Combat changes:
- Helios Rifle no longer deals laser damage.
- Killerwatt damage nerfed (40 -> 30) and can now slow down enemies.
- Tesla turret: damage nerfed (25 -> 15), rate of fire nerfed, idle power drain reduced (30kW -> 10kW), can fast-replace turrets and can now slow down enemies.
- Tesla Turret MK2 (unlocked by Futuristic Weapons)

V1.1.24 (9/27/2021)
- New weapons: Helios rifle, Killerwatt (unlocked by Futuristic Weapons)
- New turret: Tesla turret (Unlocked by Cold War Weapons. Currently using placeholder graphics. Credit: 
- Changed Winchester M1897's recipe to use the long barrel instead.
- Buffed AA-12 rate of fire.
- Buffed shotgun slug damage (30 -> 50).
- Milled SMG receiver now uses only 1 steel plate.
- The better gunpowder recipe (with sulfur) now uses less coal and nitrate.
- Selling concept gun box now yields 10 wads of cash instead of 8.

V1.1.23 (9/23/2021)
- M25 and RCW damage buffed again.
- 7.62x25mm Tokarev rounds typo fixed. It can now be used in PPSh-41.
- Buffed M1928 Thompson rate of fire.

- New tech: Remote Explosives, Remote Explosives 2
- New units: RC-XD, RC-ND (unlocked by the tech above)
- [Vanilla recipe] Reduced the amount of steel used in rifle bullet casings
- Acid and Napalm artillery shells no longer require base game arti shells in their recipes. Instead they now use steel and explosives.

V1.1.21 (9/18/2021)
- The hard dependency on Bob's Metals has been dropped. If you do not have that mod, parts can be made with alternate recipes.
- Recipe fixes.
- Gunpowder stack size has been reduced to 500.

- New tech: Grenade Launchers 3
- New weapon: War Machine (unlocked by Grenade Launchers 3)
- New ammo: 40mm Plasma grenades  (unlocked by Grenade Launchers 3)
- New turrets: Grenade Turret MK2  (unlocked by Grenade Launchers 3)
- Fixed the missing concept gun box recipe of the M25 plasma rifle.
- Various damage, projectile velocity, range and area of effect adjustments.
- 20mm high explosive ammo is now cheaper to make.

- Hotfix: Selling heavy gun box recipe actually sold the concept gun box.

- Buffs to 40mm acid grenades' area of effect and damage. Nerfs to 40mm Incendiary's area of effect.
- Turrets now use more power for balance reasons.
- Turret projectiles now have different velocities.
- New ammo: Acid artillery shells, napalm artillery shells. (Unlocked with Chemical Warfare tech.)
- Regular bullet-shooting turrets can no longer accept 20mm ammo.

- Laser RCW, M25 Plasma and Swatt Master damage nerfed.
- Turret accuracy fixed.

- Turret and weapons friendly fire fixed. See below.
- Projectiles reworked. Now they have no collision, instead shoot at the ground and deal splash damage.
- New weapon: Laser RCW
- New turrets: GAU turret, RCW turret
- New tech: Chemical Warfare
- Turrets can now be fast replaced.
- New ammo: 40mm acid grenades, fusion battery
- 40mm incendiary grenades are now made in the chemical plant instead.

- Added 3 turrets: Swatt turret, M25 plasma turret, and grenade turret. (using base game graphics as placeholder)
Warning: these turrets still suffer from friendly fire issues and can only shoot over a certain amount of walls. Be careful where you place them.

V1.1.14 (9/13/2021)
- New tech: Futuristic weapons
- New weapon: Westinghouse M25 Phased Plasma Rifle
- New ammo: 40 watt plasma magazine
- Turrets that fire bullets can now accept all calibers of ammo (with a few exceptions).

V1.1.13 (9/12/2021)
- Further balanced trading costs.
- Added more tradeable items.
- New ammo: 5.56 Belt and 7.62 Belt. Can only be used in machine guns such as rotary weapons.
- Rotary weapons now use unique ammo and shoot projectiles instead of hitscan.
- 40mm Incendiary grenades now use heavy oil instead of solid fuel.
- Various small changes and fixes.

V1.1.12 (9/12/2021)
- Cost adjustments to gun boxes.
- Missing localization fix.

V1.1.11 (9/11/2021)
- The trading system has been implemented (very basic at the moment). Need more testing on balance.
- New ammo: 12G Dragon's Breath, 20mm High-explosive.
- New tech: Concept Weapons 2.
- New weapons: Swatt Master.
- Buffs: 20mm ammo and Atlas 20mm rifle's range.
- Removed filtering cinnabar from stone recipe. You can now get both cinnabar and nitrate from stone. (No more free sulfur).

V1.1.10 (9/10/2021)
- Fixed the missing semi-auto receiver recipe.
- Buffed 40mm Grenades' damage, explosion area and collision box. The incendiary grenades can now correctly set trees on fire.
- HMG mobility buffed again.

V1.1.9 (9/10/2021)
- Quickfix: missing the shotgun receiver recipe.
- Recipe ordering re-arranged.
- Missing localization fixed.

V1.1.8 (9/9/2021)
- New tech: Shotguns, Shotguns 2, Grenade Launchers, Grenade Launchers 2.
- New ammo: 12G buckshot, 12G slug, 12G frag, 40mm HE grenades, 40mm incendiary grenades.
- New weapons: M1897 Trench Gun, AA12 Auto Shotgun, M79 Grenade Launcher, M32 MGL.
- Mauser C96 and Luger P60 no longer require a pistol slide (they do not have one).
- Higher res icons for components.
- Various fixes

- Moved Kriss Vector recipe to modern weapons subgroup.
- Ammo damage buff: .50BMG, 20mm.
- Mobility buff for all machine guns.

- New weapons: M2HB handheld, Bren, Browning M1918 BAR, Kriss Vector.
- New ammo: .50BMG, .303 Bren magazine.
- Recoil springs in recipes have been moved to the weapons instead of the barrels.

- Fixed powerful automatic receiver not being unlocked in Modern Weapons tech.
- Reduced the amount of recoil springs needed for barrels.

V1.1.4 (9/4/2021)
Big update:
-New tech: HMG, rotary weapons 1 & 2
-New weapons: M4A1 Carbine, M134, Death Machine, GAU cannon, Atlas 20mm anti-material rifle.
-New high res icons for weapons.
-New firing sounds for the STG-44 and STG-60.
-Recipe changes: modern weapons now require powerful automatic receivers; grinding stones for nitrate no longer requires gear wheels and now the recipe only has 0.4 probability to yield sulfur.
-Localization fixes

V1.1.3 (9/4/2021)
- Fixed missing string and translation errors.

V1.1.2 (9/4/2021)
- Chinese localization fixes.

V1.1.1 (9/3/2021)
- Regrouped items.

V1.1.0 (9/3/2021)
- Remade and re-released.