Asphalt Roads

by Arcitos

Asphalt pavement for increased vehicle speed. Also includes tiles for lane marking (single and double lines) and various hazard areas.

4 years ago
0.14 - 0.18

g Update 1.18 please!!!

5 years ago

As per title! Pleaseeeeeee!

5 years ago

You know, modders work for free. I freely admit that I am visiting this page for the same reason as you, but I have to say that posting a nudge like that seems very rude and inconsiderate to me. Other moddable games, such as Kerbal Space Program, actually take disciplinary action toward users to harangue or chime in with no reason, no question, no comment, beyond "when will we see update" or "please update the mod" or "please hurry."

I don't know if that's the rule here. I think that it should be. And even if it's not, it's still tacky.

5 years ago

Seriously?!? Man ... do a favour to yourself, concentrate on more important things in your life. I even take 2 txt lines to reply to this ... omg silly me.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Yes, actually. Very seriously.

5 years ago

seems like this could be a bit harder to update because the game is now looking for out-of-map transition and maybe more

5 years ago

Just to let you know OwnlyMe the lane markers don't work.

5 years ago

@RolandDeepson prepared to be triggered mate.

least xeln4g4 said please haha.

@OwnlyMe thank you for that.

5 years ago

@Amak after three weeks you're necroing just to be a jerk? Well done.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

How old do you need to be for 3 weeks to be a necro? That is called a joke my friend. Sorry you took offense.

I posted here to say thanks to OwnlyMe btw. As I too am hoping this great mod recieves an update.

5 years ago

pls update to .18

5 years ago

Hi everyone, i'm sorry for the time it took, but the 0.18 update is now ready.
Thank you for your patience :)

5 years ago

Thank you

5 years ago

Thank you for an official update :).

5 years ago

thank you!!! this is one of my favorite mods :)

5 years ago

Yay! This is such welcome news! Thank you so much for making this mod. :D

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