Asphalt Roads

by Arcitos

Asphalt pavement for increased vehicle speed. Also includes tiles for lane marking (single and double lines) and various hazard areas.

4 years ago
0.14 - 0.18


Version: 1.2.0
Date: 02. 05. 2020
    - Added high-resolution icon for asphalt item
Version: 1.1.11
Date: 02. 05. 2020
    - Provides recently fixed patches and added features for Factorio stable 0.17.50+
Version: 1.1.10
Date: 30. 04. 2020
    - Added compatibility with Pyanodons Petroleum Handling mod
    - Code clean-up
    - Improved handling of dynamic recipe changes
    - Fixed wrong dependency version requirement for the Bio Industries mod
Version: 1.1.9
Date: 01. 03. 2020
    - Fixed typo in dependency name for the Bio Industries mod
Version: 1.1.8
Date: 01. 03. 2020
  Major Features:
    - Updated for Factorio 0.18.x
    - Added manual tile reconversion: On default, press [J] to reconvert colored tiles in your hand back into their basic form
    - Added mod setting to toggle manual tile reconversion per map
    - Updated asphalt recipe tint
    - Fixed typo in dependency name for the Wood Gasification mod
Version: 1.1.7
Date: 22. 04. 2019
    - Fixed migration script error again
Version: 1.1.6
Date: 22. 04. 2019
    - Updated tile property "ageing" to new "pollution_absorption_per_second"
    - Fixed migration script error if some of the tiles have been disabled in mod settings
Version: 1.1.5
Date: 24. 03. 2019
    - Added mod settings for toggling which kind of markings should be loaded on game start.
    - Added information about how many free tile slots are required to use each type of road line marking  
    - Changed mining speed of all asphalt tiles to 0.1 (was 0.5 before)
    - Cleaned up variable declaration
    - Fixed load issues if both omnimatter and angel's smelting are present
Version: 1.1.4
Date: 01. 03. 2019
  Major Features:
    - Updated for Factorio 0.17.x
  Minor Features:
    - Added a setting to precisely adjust research cost
    - Changed default walking speed modificator to 150% to match that of refined concrete
Version: 1.1.3
Date: 04. 03. 2018
  Minor Features:
    - Added chinese locale (thank you, 71e6fd52!)
    - Added recipe substitution: If "Wood Gasification" is present, tar may be used as asphalt ingridient instead of crude oil
Version: 1.1.2
Date: 10. 01. 2018
  Major Features:
    - Asphalt can now be placed next to water tiles
  Minor Features:
    - Added a setting to define the item group of asphalt tiles (default: "logistics")
    - Added an optional, seperate item group for asphalt (called "road construction")
    - If Dectorio is installed, you are able to select the "Dectorio" item tab as preferred item group for asphalt tiles
    - Added a setting to define the item stack size of asphalt tiles
    - Added conditional dependencies for BioIndustries and Dectorio
    - Changed tile layer of asphalt back to 60 and 61 
    - All asphalt tiles do now share common transitions, creating a much smoother outline of paved areas
    - Changed changelog format to fit the style of Factorio 0.16.x
    - Fixed decals being rendered on top of asphalt tiles
    - Fixed rendering problems of asphalt with other tilesets (if the tilesets shared the same layer) by shifting the layer of other tilesets two steps upwards
Version: 1.1.1
Date: 20. 12. 2017
  Minor Features:
    - Added a setting for reduced research cost (thanks for your code snippet,  bitbased!)
    - Changed the render layer of asphalt to 58 and 59 (diagonal lane marking tiles) (stone = 60; concrete = 61)
Version: 1.1.0
Date: 25. 08. 2017
  Major Features:
    - Updated for Factorio 0.16.x
    - Added white and yellow double line tiles
    - Added green hazard marking tiles
    - Added white triangle tiles ("Shark teeth")
    - Reduced line thickness of marking tiles
    - Changed yellow colour to a more orange tone
    - Changed brightness of white colour
    - Complete overhaul of all icons to better match factorios 0.15 tile icon style (inspired by the look of the new vanilla concrete icon)
    - Fixed asphalt recipe still using single digit fluid amounts
    - Cleaned-up prototype definition
Version: 1.0.5
Date: 12. 05. 2017
    - Fixed a multiplayer issue caused by an MP-unsave event handler.
Version: 1.0.4
Date: 30. 04. 2017
  Major Features:
    - Updated for Factorio 0.15.x
  Minor Features:
    - Added crafting manchine tint for asphalt crafting
    - (WIP: Added config option for layer priority)
Version: 1.0.3
Date: 15. 04. 2017
  Minor Features:
    - Added config file for parameter customization
    - Added recipe substitution: If BioIndustries is present, crushed stone may be used as asphalt ingridient instead of stone bricks
    - Changed default walking speed modificator to 140% to match that of concrete
    - Darkened map colours to make roads more visible in areas of low contrast
Version: 1.0.2
Date: 10. 02. 2017
    - Added corner tiles for white and yellow lane marking
    - Increased brightness of all icons
    - All marking and hazard tiles are now set to go to quickbar
Version: 1.0.1
Date: 31. 12. 2016
    - Reduced amount of bricks needed for asphalt by 20%
    - Improved map colours
    - Added unique localised string identifiers to avoid problems with other mods
    - Added correct picture for tile overview
Version: 1.0.0
Date: 23. 12. 2016
  Major Features:
    - Initial release