Asphalt Roads

by Arcitos

Asphalt pavement for increased vehicle speed. Also includes tiles for lane marking (single and double lines) and various hazard areas.

4 years ago
0.14 - 0.18

i Extra tile types for Road Markings

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

Thanks for the great mod! Now we can build proper roads & highways, and have a great driving experience in Factorio!

May I ask for some extra tile types, like a L-shape (90 degree turn) or T-shape tiles? They would be great in constructing direction arrows in road markings. (Reference:
Here is another picture denoting typical direction arrows used, as number 8 in the picture

Thanks in advance.

6 years ago

Sorry to revive this thread. But I wish to draw some attention to the author.
After settling your mods in migrating to 0.17, can you consider this idea, and the Fitting diagonal line glitch?

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

Hi Schallfalke, i'll consider it for sure. But adding new tiles will need some sort of "tile management", since Factorio only supports not more than 255 different tile prototypes.
Regarding the diagonal line glitch: Unfortunately, there is currently no workaround, because the diagonal lines are placed one layer above basic asphalt in order to use tile transition graphics for displaying the small bits between the tiles, thus forming a continuously line. This means that tiles with diagonal lines are completely independent from other asphalt tiles.

6 years ago

Thanks for explanation. No rush, take your time to think of a good solution.

Regarding the tile restriction, there is an idea pop up in my mind. Don't know if it maybe useful to you or not.
The idea is to use entity for at least some of the markings. See in my Schall Lamp Contrast mod, I altered the vanilla lamp with different collision layer, so vehicles can safely drive over the lamps.
By this way, players place the asphalt tile first. Then "paint" the tile with markings "entity" over the tile.

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