Anti-Cheese Waterfill

by _zapper

A waterfill mod without the cheese! Waterfill can only be placed near other bodies of water (Which means you can't use this on planets unsuitable for water)! Biters can pass through man-made shallow water! Waterfill can't instantly delete alien nests, cliffs, ore patches and any man-made structures! Highly configurable!

9 months ago
Environment Fluids

g Question about blueprints

9 months ago

When you have it set to "direct placement only" how does it handle drawing lines away from the water for robots to place?

9 months ago

Currently the direct placement mode can only be placed right next to water, same with the ghosts.

The lines are automatically rendered by factorio because it treats it as an offshore pump.

If you’d like I can completely overhaul the direct placement setting to allow for explosives to be placed away from water but only detonate when there’s new water next to it.

Only thing is, the placement indicators won’t be a thing anymore because then you could place anywhere.

9 months ago

Update: I just released a new update overhauling the direct placement setting so you aren't restricted from placing the explosives away from the water, meaning that it will work well with blueprints and construction robots!
Any explosives that aren't close enough to the water won't blow up until another one within its radius does!
(Those ones only blow up one at a time to prevent huge lag spikes)
Also you now can use direct explosives slightly further away depending on if the explosion can reach the water.

I've done some testing and results are consistent for me. Let me know if you encounter any other issues!

9 months ago

You really are making the best possible waterfill mod! :D

New response