Aircraft Realism

by haih_ys

Adds mechanics to make vehicles behave as planes. [Takeoff/Landing, Runway Requirement]

a month ago
0.17 - 2.0

g ✔️ Aircraft update 1.8

3 years ago

Hi haih_ys !

I've been in contact with SuicidalKid and developed a major (mainly visual) update to Aircraft, that I'm ready to release. I've tested, your mod still works, but there are some things that change, so I wanted to talk to you about it. For example, you replace animation with a shadowless version, but I've replaced the content of "animation" with proper layers (1 normal, one shadow, and added "light_animation", and added hr_versions).

I've made a fork on github so I'm working on a pull request before I push the aircraft update.
The best would be to discuss it directly, I'm available on discord snouz#0489, or on factorio's forum.

3 years ago

Hi again, I just published Aircraft, I can confirm it works with your mod, nevertheless I did a pull request with some minor changes (don't freak out I removed 10k lines of code and replaced that with for loops)

3 years ago

Your changes made the shadows disappear only with non-hr sprites, I have fixed it for hr sprites and merged, version 1.4.0

Thank you for your contributions!

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